A Personal Reflection Kate Weaver offered in September 8 Sunday - TopicsExpress


A Personal Reflection Kate Weaver offered in September 8 Sunday Service Today I would like to take a moment and share why the topic of reverence is important to me. You see, I am a portrait photographer. I bear witness as families celebrate the milestones of a life together. I am privy to seeing joy, tenderness, strength, luminous beauty and of course, love as I photograph people. I feel reverence when I am behind the lens and am documenting the sacred quintessence of family and individuals. I have never been interested in the stiff, posed “smile for the camera” style of family photography. Instead, the simple things that happen during a photo shoot take my breath away. I love the goofy smile on a new father’s face as he cradles his newborn child. I love the unsteady one-year-old hand that reaches up to grab mom’s finger as they walk along the garden path. I love the sloppy kiss and hug a kindergarten boy bestows upon his dad. I love the confident grin that radiates from a high school senior as she contemplates her bright future. And, I love the protective arm that a husband drapes over his wife of 50 years as they celebrate their anniversary with a family portrait. I am blessed to observe the sanctity of life as it moves before my lens. I can’t deny that I adore the happy occasions I photograph, but I am also drawn to the poignant. I recently photographed a beloved family dog just days before “Duchess” passed away. My favorite photograph was of Duchess leaning against her family with her eyes closed—a posture of pure contentment. Once, I waited a year to photograph a family of 3 because the mother wanted her hair to grow back from chemotherapy. My favorite image from the session was of mom embracing her six-year-old son, her head buried in the top of his as she inhaled his essence. Last December I photographed a newly divorced dad with his 3-year-old daughter. The session was scheduled for the day after Christmas and I don’t know what made me say yes but I did. The best image of the day was of the sweet little girl running full tilt into dad’s arms. Two months later, the dad tragically passed away. Moments are fleeting. I am grateful that the little girl will always have these prints to see much her dad loved her. As a craftsman, my joy is in producing prints that evoke insights and produce feelings of appreciation and gratitude... and occasionally awe. For this to happen, reverence is essential. I’m humbled and amazed by what I see through my lens and feel fortunate to have my career. So today, I challenge all of you all to look around carefully as you move through life this week. Notice the details. Bear witness to tenderness, strength, beauty, and of course love. Be reverent.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 16:58:22 +0000

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