A Pray A Day 10/19/2014 - Is He Your Refuge And Your Fortress? - TopicsExpress


A Pray A Day 10/19/2014 - Is He Your Refuge And Your Fortress? ..... tinyurl/APAD10-19-2014 Refuge a condition of being safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger, or trouble. Fortress a military stronghold; a heavily protected and impenetrable building. Is this what you are saying God the Father is for YOU? One can say this with absolute confidence when they are dwelling in the ‘secret place of the most High’. Are you dwelling in the secret place? For many of us we want the Father to do His part, but we do not do our part. We want all the benefits of Psalm 91 but we lack the very first thing Psalm 91 begins with: “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High….” Only those who dwell in the secret place can lay claim to the rest. Psalm 91 is not a ‘good luck’ chant, it’s not something to run to and begin praying and declaring and speaking when we have been living our lives ‘not’ holy to the Lord, when we have been living our lives ‘not’ seeking the face of the Father, when we have been living our lives ‘not’ obeying His Word. Many instances in the Word of God when the words ‘know’ and ‘knew’ are used, speaks of intimacy. Many like to say, ‘God knows my heart’, and I have heard those living in a state of sin say this very thing. Yes God knows all of our hearts. He knows that our hearts can be hardened. He knows that our hearts can be evil. He knows that our hearts can be fearful. He knows that our hearts can be desperately wicked. The Father knows that our hearts are no good until we turn away from sin and seek His face. He knows that our hearts are no good until we yield and allow Him to operate on our hearts and give us hearts that are pliable within His hands. What softens our hearts and causes us to want and even desire to live holy to the Lord? It is the love of God that will soften our hearts and cause us to want and desire to live holy and .... (please share todays prayer)
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 12:24:00 +0000

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