A Prayer to Overcome the Trials of the Week Ahead, Beloved, - TopicsExpress


A Prayer to Overcome the Trials of the Week Ahead, Beloved, before you pray always make it a habit to mentally put on your amour in Ephesians 6:11-17 as a safety precaution in the spirit, and be sure to always cover yourself in the precious blood of Jesus Christ in 1 John 1:7. Hedge yourself also in the hedge of protection from Job 1:10 as a precaution because we fight not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, powers of this dark world and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm, Ephesians 6:12. Pray this prayer in faith over yourself, your family, your ministry and those close. Father I humbly come before you, and I ask you to please strengthen me, my family, my brothers and sisters in Christ, my leaders and my friends today, as we go forward this week. I thank you for underpinning our lives with your love, and the power of the Holy Spirit, I submit my life to you anew today, and I pray that you would especially help guide and protect the ones among us who are not yet saved to do the same. (Rom8:31) Father I sincerely repent before you for anything that I have done that may have displeased you knowingly or unknowingly, or for anything else that could have in any way grieved your precious Holy Spirit. Today I make a conscious decision to do better, and be better, because the word says “This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. It is of the Lords mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.”(Lam 3:21-22) Thank you Father! Father I boldly give you my praise because of those fresh new mercies which we all need so very much, I pray that we all, especially those of us who already know and can see that the week ahead will present some major, or minor challenges, or obstacles, please pour out more of your grace upon us, to help us overcome. Father please help us to apply your word over our lives as these situations arise, help us also to remember the words of the apostle Paul when he said that “As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.” (Rom8:36-37) Father I know that in and of myself, I can do nothing, but we can do all things through Christ that strengthens us in our resolve to persevere and do your will against all odds. (Ph4:13) Father please send your angels to be a protective barrier between us and the enemy today. I place the hedge of protection around our children, homes, vehicles and transportation, workplaces, communities and ministries, and I cover us all by faith in the blood of Jesus, so that we will be safe on the highways and the byways, or wherever else we all may be today. Father I speak resolution and restoration over every challenge, divine insight and revelations from on high, for any and all obstacles that may present themselves, and I bind up every spirit of anger, revenge, frustration, diversion, delay, distraction, procrastination and sabotage in the mighty name of Jesus. Father I loose wisdom, and your ministering angels from heaven into all of our lives to encourage, empower and strengthen us, for those of us who will need special reinforcements this week because of the situations we are facing. (Ma18:18) Father I pray that we would all walk in the victory that Christ died to give, and we will give you the glory due unto your name, and rejoice because you delight in delivering your children out of what looks to be impossible situations time and time again. Thank you for making a way, where there is no way. I acknowledge and am in awe of your unfailing agape love, and every day, because of it I am truly, truly blessed beyond measure. I praise and exalt your Holy name Father, and I pray this prayer to you in the mighty name of Jesus (Yeshua). Amen. Shalom.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 09:02:55 +0000

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