A Public Service Announcement from yours truly... Dear - TopicsExpress


A Public Service Announcement from yours truly... Dear Pedestrians: Its called a sideWALK, not a side-stand-there-and-keep-anyone-else-from-getting-where-they-need-to-go. Also if youre not going to cross the street, please step back from the corner. If you do need to cross the street please be decisive and cross with purpose. KNEES TO CHEST!!! If there isnt a sidewalk you then need to walk against traffic. This is for your benefit of seeing who (cars/bikes) are coming your way. Please be aware of cars and bikes by not texting while walking... youre very vulnerable. Dear People on Human Powered Wheels [bikes, skateboards, etc]: Please, for the love all humanity, get a bike light, put on a helmet, get off your phone, and ride. Please ride SINGLE FILE in the same direction as traffic, you can talk to your friends when you both safely arrive at your destination. Follow traffic laws and courtesies - the whole point of them is so people can reasonably know what others are going to do and keep you safe. Oh yea and get off the sidewalk [unless youre a munchkin]. Dear Motorists: SLOW DOWN! GET OFF YOUR PHONE! WATCH WHERE YOURE GOING! Youre behind the wheel of a 2,000+ pound monster doing 45 in a 25 while texting because youre lost. The bike lane is NOT a turn lane, or a parking lane, or an idle-here-because-Im-picking-someone-up-from-class lane. Also... you park like crap. The end. #yourewelcome #everyonesthinkingit #themoreyourknow #knowingishalfthebattle #amandapsa #ifeelold #thereisaidit
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 01:51:54 +0000

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