A Republican spokeswomans comments about President Obamas - TopicsExpress


A Republican spokeswomans comments about President Obamas daughters is causing a stir online. The spokeswoman criticized the girls dress and said they shouldnt roll their eyes at their dad. Washington (CNN) -- A senior staffer for a Republican congressman scolded President Obamas daughters for dressing like they deserve a spot at a bar and told them to try showing a little class in a Facebook post that has since gone viral, drawing her heavy criticism and prompting calls for her dismissal. Elizabeth Lauten, communications director for Tennessee Rep. Steve Fincher and a former communications staffer for the Republican National Committee, wrote the screed against the First Daughters in a Facebook post on Thanksgiving. In it, she scolded them for their clothes and bored looks during Wednesdays turkey pardoning, and took aim at the President and First Lady for failing to respect their positions. Dear Sasha and Malia: I get youre both in those awful teen years, but youre a part of the First Family, try showing a little class. At least respect the part you play, Lauten wrote in the post. Sasha and Malia Obama attend turkey pardoning. Then again, our mother and father dont respect their positions very much, or the nation for that matter, she added. So Im guessing youre coming up a little short in the good role model department. While Sasha and Malia Obama, 13 and 16 years old, respectively, indeed both looked less than enthusiastic to accompany their father to the Turkey pardoning ceremony on Wednesday, their typically teenage glowers were met with amusement by multiple media outlets. Lauten, however, had some advice for the First Daughters, imploring them in the Facebook post to stretch yourself...rise to the occasion and act like being in the White House matters to you. Dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar. And certainly dont make faces during televised, public events, she concluded. televised, public events, she concluded. You need to stop drinking whatever it is that you are drinking that would cause you to make the a statement like that. Sounds like you have been hanging out with The twin daughters of George W. Bush, Jenna Bush and Barbara Bush.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 21:24:33 +0000

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