A SERVANT CANNOT SERVE TWO MASTERS: GOLDEN TEXT: JOHN 13:23-35 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples if ye have love, one to another. Brethren, have you heard the texts? You who have formed the habit of coming here to make noise, even while the gospel is going on, have you heard what the scriptures say? Those things you scramble for, money, cars, houses, women, cannot lead you to God. Your status in the society, your stature, and even the songs you render here cannot lead you to God, neither would your prayers do. What reveals God to you is a peaceful atmosphere. When you create a peaceful atmosphere around you and you are calm and humble, then God can get close to you. At that point, God speaks with you and He tells you what you have to do. And if you abide by Gods directives you receive your salvation. You have been told that one servant cannot serve two masters. A lot of you have been here in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star for forty years but your period of forty years is fruitless. It has not availed you anything because the trouble you create around you makes it impossible for you to receive the word of God. You seek God in the moon, the sun, on the high seas and in the Atlantis, you seek God through all other places, have you found Him? GOD IS THE WORD, HE IS NO OTHER BEING EXCEPT THE WORD. WE IN BROTHERHOOD UNDERSTAND THIS FACT, WHICH IS WHY WE ARE UNIQUE AMONG OTHER BELIEVERS IN THE TEACHINGS OF CHRIST. This is also the reason you have been told that Brotherhood is not a church, not a service center, not a prayer house, nor a community nor a nation. Brotherhood is not any of the things you conjecture it to be. BROTHERHOOD IS SIMPLY THE KINGDOM OF GOD WHERE RIGHTEOUSNESS IS TAUGHT AND PRACTICED. Many of you sing but as long as you do not concentrate on the words of the song, you cannot understand the meaning of the songs you render. So many of you offer lengthy prayers in the hope that you will be connected to God. You do not know that in so doing you are cut off from what is relevant, and you have lost touch with reality and with God. This practice cannot afford you anything because you cannot pray very well. GODS KINGDOM IS LIKE THE MUSTARD SEED: Also when the Gospel is being delivered, many of you engage in noise making, gossiping, some of you read books and in the process ,you miss out on gospel, for you cannot hear what is preached, let alone understand it. And because of this you cannot experience God and know Him. Our Lord Jesus Christ did compare the kingdom of God to the mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds, but when it falls down and germinates, it grows into a mighty tree, and spreads its branches across space, and all the birds of the air come and settle upon it and make their nests on the branches. Many of you are of the view that the Word of God is very difficult to practice, but have you even heard the word of God in the first place? We have one spiritual song which says:TAKE THE WHOLE WORLD AND GIVE ME JESUS. Now with the rate at which you lust after the things of the world: money, cars, husbands, wives, etc., can you really know God to able to practice His teachings? If you remember what that woman said to Our Lord Jesus Christ, that Blessed is the womb that bare thee and the paps that gave you suck, and the response of Our Lord Jesus Christ, then you will come to a better understanding of what I am telling you. Brethren, I have to give this as the first witness for this gospel, so that you will understand the great and unsurpassable power which is founded in what we are telling you, and equally know that your refusal to hearken to these teachings is the cause of your downfall. FIRST BIBLE WITNESS: LUKE 11:27-28 And it come to pass as he spake these things, a certain woman of the company lifted up her voice and said unto him, Blessed is the womb that bare thee, and the paps which thou hast sucked. BUT HE SAID, YEA, RATHER, BLESSED ARE THEY THAT HEAR THE WORD OF GOD AND KEEP IT. GODS ABODE: Have you heard what the scripture says? Of what use is it if you come here to testify for three hours without really making sense, WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING WHERE YOU ARE AND WHAT THE TEACHER IN YOUR MIDST IS TEACHING? Some of the interpreters even interpret what I say out of context. If they can do this, what of those of you in the congregation who cannot comprehend what is said. Would you say you have realized your objective of coming here? THE GOD YOU ARE SEEKING AFTER IS NOT FOUND IN THE SKY, IS NOT EVEN IN YOUR BEDROOM, HE IS NOT FOUND ALONG THE ROAD, NEITHER IS HE FOUND IN SOME STRANGE PLACES, GOD IS FOUND WITHIN YOU. HE LIVES WITHIN YOU. It is on this note that when the Pharisees wanted to know from Our Lord Jesus Christ about the coming of the kingdom of God and the form it will take, Our Lord Jesus Christ told them that:THE KINGDOM OF GOD COMETH NOT BY OBSERVATION, NEITHER WILL MEN SAY LO HERE, OR LO THERE, FOR BEHOLD THE KINGDOM IS WITHIN YOU. Let the first lesson be read. BY: LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU THE SUPERNATURAL TEACHER, AND SOLE SPIRITUAL HEAD OF THE UNIVERSE BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR EXCERPT FROM : THE HOLY SPIRIT IS OUR SOURCE OF INSPIRATION
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 23:05:04 +0000

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