A Safe Place In Times Of Flood Genesis 6:14-17 Genesis 7: 4, - TopicsExpress


A Safe Place In Times Of Flood Genesis 6:14-17 Genesis 7: 4, 10, 11-16 At different times in the Word of God we can see where wood played an important part in preserving life and as a defense. One would be when Isaac carried the wood (a type of the cross) for a burnt offering up to Mt. Moriah and was to be sacrificed as a blood sacrifice and one would be when Absalom was caught in the branches of a tree (a type of the cross) thus preserving David as King over Israel. Then of course the old rugged cross where our precious Savior the LORD JESUS was hung and died and shed HIS blood as the final blood sacrifice for our sin debt forever. Here we have the story of the ark that God had Noah to build to preserve life for all who would come inside to escape the overwhelming flood would destroy the all life from off the face of the earth. The ark was used for a way to preserve life and the characteristics of it show us how they were used to preserve life. Just as the cross of Christ, though no longer standing and visible to the eye is still the symbol that represents the awful suffering that HE endured for sinful man and it still stands the test of time through all the centuries since. The cross still stands strong as it draws the penitent towards the grace and mercy of God (1) Gopher Wood- This type of wood would last a great number of years. A wood that would stand the test of time and wouldnt soon fail. Strong enough to stand up against the rain, waves and wind that would batter the ark as it rose upon the flood waters. (2) Rooms- Three stories. A place for every living thing that would come into the ark. Was large enough for the very tallest of animals. Also small enough for the most tiny of animals. Space enough for all. Though temporary and was used for about a little over a year. (3) Pitch- A type of sealant. So secure that no amount of water could enter and destroy. To be able to tread water. The Bible says that in 2 Corn. 1:22 Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts. Also in Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, and again in Ephesians 4:30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. (4) Length- 450 and the width 75 and the height 45. Long enough, wide enough and tall enough for all to be able to accommodate very comfortably whether man or beast. As far as the size compared to that of the city, New Jerusalem it is said that it is 1500 miles square which includes the height, width and length. The ark was large but nothing compared to the size of that great city that God has prepared for those that love HIM. (5) No Oars- Too large. Deck was too high above water line to row. Wind and waves would be too strong. Too heavy to propel. There were no needs for oars for they were not able to propel the ship against all the strong forces that God was using to destroy every creature from the face of the earth. The LORD is the only One we need to propel us through this life of sin and misery. The LORD will not use wooden oars to power HIS Kingdom for HE is ruler and KING overall and HE does whatsoever HE wills by whatever means HE chooses to. They didnt have to use propulsion for the LORD was in no hurry to get anywhere. (7) No Rudder- A device to control direction. There was need for a rudder for the LORD guided the ark right up to Mt. Ararat. He too will guide HIS children. Noah and his family were certainly sitting pretty much in darkness with very little light and they were under the shadow of death but the LORD was guiding them to the way of peace. Oh how much we as mankind need no rudder but only let the LORD lead, guide and direct. (6) One Door- Only one way in and out. No need for any other. Just as this door was made of wood and the only way into the ark of safety it is Christ who known also as the Door. John 10: 7-9 7Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. 8All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them. 9I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. God shut the door and no one can open besides HIM. (7) One Window, Top Only - Only one needed to be able to see. There was no need to place windows in the side of the ark for that is where Noah and his family would have gotten their eyes on the storm outside thus weakening their faith and would be able to see the people being drowned and see all the death and suffering. With the window in the top only they would always have to look up to be able to keep their eyes on Jesus. Shouldnt we too look as Micah says and wait for God and HE will hear us in our time of need? These are the many characteristics that the ark had and we need as people to see the importance of the ark and how that God has always cared for, protected and delivered HIS own. As we look forward from this Old Testament account of the use of the wood that built the ark we can look to the cross of Calvary for this wooden cross our Savior hung and 28So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation. Hebrews 9:28. Stephen Blan ****
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 23:02:21 +0000

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