A Small Comment by way of Numerative Qabala: Chapter 45, Liber - TopicsExpress


A Small Comment by way of Numerative Qabala: Chapter 45, Liber 333. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45 ΚΕΦΑΛΗ ΜΕ CHINESE MUSIC “Explain this happening!” “It must have a ‘natural’ cause.” } Let these two “It must have a ‘supernatural’ cause.” } asses be set to grind corn. May, might, must, should, probably, may be, we may safely assume, ought, it is hardly questionable, almost certainly — poor hacks! let them be turned out to grass! Proof is only possible in mathematics, and mathematics is only a matter of arbitrary conventions. And yet doubt is a good servant but a bad master; a perfect mistress, but a nagging wife. “White is white” is the lash of the overseer: “white is black” is the watchword of the slave. The Master takes no heed. The Chinese cannot help thinking that the octave has 5 notes. The more necessary anything appears to my mind, the more certain it is that I only assert a limitation. I slept with Faith, and found a corpse in my arms on awaking; I drank and danced all night with Doubt, and found her a virgin in the morning. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAULH Free of Mine Own Incorporations Redemption, To proceed of the certainty that One is Not Liberation. Known so much as Being of Becoming . Balanced in the happenstance that leads . Directly to the Window from which One exceeds . Of experience with a Unity One cannot Be. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 18:31:32 +0000

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