A UK author and activist, who has worked to expose the truth - TopicsExpress


A UK author and activist, who has worked to expose the truth behind the London 7/7 bombings and the 9/11 attacks, attempted to turn himself in to authorities, in a demonstration aimed at highlighting the absurdity behind Prime Minister David Cameron’s recent controversial remarks regarding radical “extremism.” On Tuesday, English writer Nick Kollerstrom visited the London headquarters of Scotland Yard to turn himself in as a “possible terror threat.” “We want to report a possible terror threat, we’ve got a bit of evidence and wonder if we could come in and report it,” Kollerstrom told an officer guarding the entrance. Kollerstrom’s act was orchestrated to demonstrate how irresponsible “extremist” policing, as outlined in Cameron’s speech, would lead to the arrests of innocent Muslims and would essentially be tantamount to racial profiling. “David Cameron has redefined terrorism at the United Nations to include people who believe that the London bombings involved government complicity and were to some degree arranged, which I certainly do believe and I’ve published a book on the subject, and also I believe 9/11 was an inside job,” Kollerstrom told Press TV. “I do think Islamic nations are being selectively targeted, it’s perfectly obvious. And if the police force are going by [Camerons] directive, what constitutes terrorism, it seems to me that they need to arrest me.” At the United Nations General Assembly last week, Cameron made a speech in which he conflated the ISIS terrorists tearing through the Middle East with those who espouse adversarial viewpoints challenging the establishment’s official narratives, a practice which he termed “non-violent extremism.” Speaking about people who espouse views which hold the respective UK and US governments responsible for the two atrocities, Cameron stated more must be done to “defeat the ideology of extremism that is the root cause of this terrorism so that we win the battle of ideas, not just the battle of military might.” Remarks concerning 9/11 begin around 4:25. “As evidence emerges about the backgrounds of those convicted of terrorist offenses, it is clear that many of them were initially influenced by preachers who claim not to encourage violence, but whose world view can be used as a justification for it. We know this world view: the peddling of lies, that 9/11 was somehow a Jewish plot or that the 7/7 London attacks were staged, the idea that Muslims are persecuted all over the world as a deliberate act to western policy. The concept of an inevitable clash of civilizations. We must be clear, to defeat the ideology of extremism, we need to deal with all forms of extremism, not just violent extremism,” the British Prime Minister said. In the years following the July 7, 2005 bombings, evidence surfaced casting a questionable light on the day’s events, which saw 56 people killed and hundreds injured when suicide bombers allegedly coordinated attacks on London’s public transport system. As revealed by the London Guardian in 2011, the man jailed for allegedly training the bombers, Mohammed Junaid Babar, was believed to be an intelligence asset working with US authorities. “Lest we forget that the the so-called mastermind behind the 7/7 London bombings, Haroon Rashid Aswat, was a British intelligence asset,” reported Infowars editor Paul Joseph Watson. Other evidence suggesting that the bombings were staged appears in Alex Jones’ 2006 documentary entitled Terrorstorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism. Scroll to 19:42 to see 7/7 bombing section. Ultimately Scotland Yard declined to arrest Kollerstrom. H/T: Activist Post
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 06:27:45 +0000

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