(A VERY INTERESTING PASSAGE ABOUT FORGIVENESS THEYD GIVEN IN OUR EXAM :) ) We always looked at forgiving people who hurt us. We thought it seemed so unfair for them to receive forgiveness when we had got hurt. We received pain and they got freedom without having to pay for pain they caused. But, we never realize that we are helping ourselves when we choose to forgive. Psychologists generally define forgiveness as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance towards a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually deserve your forgiveness. Forgiveness simply means releasing the other from blame, which empowers us to recognize the pain we suffered without letting that pain define us, enabling to heal and move on with our life. Actually, forgiveness is a process. True forgiveness might not come easily. Instead, it takes much energy and valuable time to achieve, and doesnt happen in an instant. So, once Mahatma Gandhi truly said,The weak can never forgive.Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. Today, forgiveness is rare in human experience. To begin with, forgiveness is difficult to give. But, according to Mother Teressa, if we really want to love, we must learn to forgive. Forgiveness does not mean forgetting, nor does it mean condoning or excusing offenses. It is the one and only sweetest revenge which breaks the cycle of negative emotions such as resentment, bitterness, hostility, hatred, anger, and fear that is often passed on to those around us replaced with love, compassion, sympathy, and empathy. When we forgive others, we should not feel that we are only just doing somebody else a favor. By forgiving others we are helping ourselves immensely because no one benefits from forgiveness more than the one who forgives! At the same time, we are also helping the other person by releasing them. Generally, we all have something to forgive, because life is always happening-especially when were not ready. By remembering the misdeeds of others we live in the critical and judgemental mind. Many people ruin their health and their lives by taking the poison of bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness. But, we should never forget the unlimited benefit of forgiveness. Hence, the act of forgiveness constitutes a mental bath which takes the poison out of our body and cleanses our system of the poison. Life is filled with incredible beauty and surely, we will be missing some if we are experiencing unresolved anger by unforgiving. So, we must be able to forgive ourselves, forgive others and forgive life. So, we must be able to forgive ourselves, forgive others and forgive life. So, be quick to forgive. Do yourself a favor and forgive.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 12:45:59 +0000

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