A WORD ABOUT NORTHWAY; I am reminded about a motto that the town I - TopicsExpress


A WORD ABOUT NORTHWAY; I am reminded about a motto that the town I was raised in, Butte, Montana, had. ‘BUTTE IS MY TOWN LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT.’ Butte was a rough mining town each block held a catholic school, church and a bar. If you were tall enough to get your money on the bar they would sell you a beer. Drinking, fishing, hunting and football were and probably still are the favorite pass times. When Lorraine Titus and Daisy came to visit, they were able to tour the famous red light district and I think even bought souvenirs at the local whore house. It bothers Major T and I when we hear people say they hate Northway. This is a good little community with a bunch of good people. I can guarantee if you have a sickness or a serious need, whether you are family, friend or enemy the people in this community will be there to help you. There is a good school with committed teachers. There is a church where the pastor would lay his life down for all of you. (How many would disagree with that statement?). God sends us missionaries, Christian teachers and Christian Troopers. All of these people help support our community. We have water and sewer with faithful drivers, (most of the time) which ones of you would do that at 40 below? God’s beautiful nature surrounds us. He gives us, every year, an abundance in berries, fish, moose and for those who raise gardens vegetables of all kinds. Are there negatives in Northway? Of course there is but no more than any other community. So Dear Ones I guess all I can say to those who hate Northway is ‘NORTHWAY IS MY TOWN LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT!’
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 18:47:08 +0000

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