A Winters Eve Plea.... I thought it was a pet peeve of mine, - TopicsExpress


A Winters Eve Plea.... I thought it was a pet peeve of mine, but Ive been talking with some friends, and it turns out, we all feel the same way about this. Cold weather is coming (is already here for many of us,) and people are going to feel the need to share online about it. So, can you all just try and do everyone around you a great big favor? When someone posts about their weather issues, can you NOT go, Oh yeah?! Well, its so HOT here! Send ME your rain! Thats nothing! Send ME your heat! Ill take your snow, you wimp! and so forth? Because for some bizarre reason the human being seems steadfastly incapable of listening to someone elses weather woes, and especially of empathizing with that person, without loudly piping in with a bunch of their own weather woes. Have you noticed that? And have you noticed that its absolutely necessary to TOP that persons complaint? SO f*cking irritating. It doesnt stinking matter WHAT kind of weather it is. You could go, Holy shit! It dropped from 110 degrees to negative 2 tonight! and some jackass will comment on your post with, Thats NOTHING! One spring, it went from 120 to negative 30 and back to 120 and stayed there for five weeks! My dog lost all his hair! My turtle pulled out of his shell so he could cool off! Youve got a ways to go chicky-poo! Its even more irritating when age enters the equation: Ha! Add senior arthritis to that mix, you young whipper-snapper! Give yourself another thirty years, and THEN complain! It just never fails. Its all so unwelcome. So this year - just for ONCE - can we please try to bite our tongues, sympathize with the person posting about their weather, and go so far as to offer them some support? Comments like, Wow! and Holy cow, girl, thats a LOT of snow! and I dont envy you, are SO welcome that I can promise you theyll get liked. On the other hand, all of you who are just WAITING to play the comparison game... I cant tell you how much we all wish there was a dislike button for you. Just remember that friendship is a give and take, even on the internet. If you want people to be impressed with your weather announcement, then you have to play nice and be impressed with theirs. xo
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 01:12:18 +0000

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