A big thanks to all of you who have been sending us your funny - TopicsExpress


A big thanks to all of you who have been sending us your funny observations - we have made a list below: You know youve been in Denmark too long… - when you mentally convert currency to kroner when youre travelling - when it feels like a long time ago when you could say the tall blond guy and people knew who you meant - when youre not phased when it starts feeling like its getting dark just after lunch - when you know to turn up to a party wearing black because everyone else will be - when you dont wear red anymore - when you dont raise an eyebrow when they start stacking the beer and redwine cases in the bus taking your kids to the camping trip with the youth club - when you start eating cheese or meat with marmalade. - when you start to believe someone promises tailwind on a bicycle lane can be a good politician.. - when you think it will at least 2 weeks planning to visit home of a friend - when you start to eat open sandwich and Tuborg pilsner for lunch - when you have seen someone ski past your bus on the way to work! - when you give up on fashion and wear wellies as you would wear any other pair of shoes. - when you take D-Vitamin whereas almost anywhere else, you would take C-Vitamin. - when having dinner at 5pm is a routine. - when you get the habit of taking tickets everywhere (bank, post-office, bakers, butchers...) - when you think its normal to hold a meeting to plan another meeting to discuss a problem - when you are not surprised to see someone starting a barbecue in winter time. - when at birthday parties you mumble along to the birthday song but belt out med dejlig chokolade og kager til! - when the arrival of snow is no longer something to get excited about. - when you are happy to leave your baby sleeping outside in the pram in subzero temperatures.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 11:00:01 +0000

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