A brief primer, if I may, on Barack Obama as our National - TopicsExpress


A brief primer, if I may, on Barack Obama as our National Community Organizer. In 1983-1985, when Obama was a student at Columbia University (and I was starting my Air Force service) he attended annual Socialist Scholars Conferences sponsored by the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). The DSA is a wing of American socialism that wanted to achieve remaking America as a socialist nation through agitation and elected office rather than through revolution (as the Marxist SDS wanted). Obama learned at those conferences that the foot soldiers of the DSA model were the Community Organizers created by left radical Saul Alinsky. Alinsky himself mentored Jerry Kellman in Chicago, and Kellman mentored Barack Obama when he graduated and moved to Chicago to become an organizer. The job of a community organizer is to agitate for expanded government and increased benefit payouts. Find an aggrieved population, and agitate their grievances until the government yields and pays out. The job of community organizers in total is to crash the government under the weight of the expanded government payouts, and then to remake America in a socialist framework. So, fast forward to Barack Obama as the national community organizer in the White House. Look at the invasion underway at our southern border. It is on purpose - in the DSA model. It was created by executive orders that said that illegal alien children would not be deported (DACA). It has resulted in a predictable invasion. Get your children across the border, and your family can follow with the help of an army of immigration lawyers. Flood the zone. Collapse the system. Remake America in a socialist model. That is the goal. That has always been the goal, since Obama attended the conferences that taught him that. Wake up, already. townhall/columnists/benshapiro/2014/07/09/never-let-a-selfproduced-horror-show-go-to-waste-n1860020/page/full
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 02:42:46 +0000

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