A brilliant trumpet-call of truth from Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) - TopicsExpress


A brilliant trumpet-call of truth from Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) on a vital topic. Ive only highlighted a short excerpt from his speech on the Senate floor yesterday. The entire speech is well worth reading. ~cj #NoAmnesty #StopObamasAmnesty #SecureOurBorders Don’t Give the Masters of the Universe Their Amnesty The Senate isn’t doing anything to stop Obama’s plans — thank the plutocrats. By Jeff Sessions ...Just yesterday Majority Leader Reid wrote in a tweet something that was shocking. He said: “Since House Republicans have failed to act on immigration, I know the President will. When he does, I hope he goes Real Big.” Let this sink in for a moment. The majority leader of the Senate is bragging that he knows the president will circumvent Congress to issue executive amnesty to millions, and he is encouraging the president to ensure this amnesty includes as many people as possible. And the White House has acknowledged that 5 to 6 million is the number they are looking at. Has one Senate Democrat stepped forward to reject Mr. Reid’s statement? Has one Senate Democrat stepped forward to say: I support the legislation passed by the House of Representatives that would secure the border and block this executive amnesty? Have they ever said they support that? Have they ever said: I will do everything in my power to see that the House legislation gets a vote in the Senate so the American people can know what is going on? No. All we hear is silence. This body is not run by one man. We don’t have a dictator in the great Senate. Every member has a vote. And the only way Senator Reid can succeed in blocking this Senate from voting to stop the president’s executive actions is for members to stop supporting him.... nationalreview/article/387726/dont-give-masters-universe-their-amnesty-jeff-sessions
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 00:17:40 +0000

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