A business lesson for my local competition: I usually ignore this - TopicsExpress


A business lesson for my local competition: I usually ignore this type of stuff cause it happens so often but today it more just to make a point. For the personal trainers here locally that continue to run their mouths about this or that with the hopes to persuade clients to leave us and join them, here is something to ponder that will help your business grow so you can stop talking about ours. Respect your competition, going off with your viewpoints, in which more than likely you would do something similar as this lifestyle, prep etc is pretty much eating clean foods every day for extended periods of time and exercising (big mind blow there), and saying something we do is completely wrong and we are idiots etc is the WORST way to increase your business. Im sure a handful out of the current 250 clients who write us a check every month (you do the math there) will get persuaded by these tactics but it will be so inconsistent that it not an effective approach to marketing your business. So why do you do it, what your gameplan with talking trash about our methods? Some other questions, How many hours a day do you honestly spend on your clients. Every day I get up at 6am and go till 10pm, I may not always be at the gym but that is because I am at my home office working on meal plans, program design, quickbooks, writing checks etc. That brings me to my next questions regarding writing checks: have you had enough success as a personal trainer that you have been able to provide other people with the opportunity to follow their passion and be a personal trainer without the stress of having to meet sales goals, supplement sales etc. ?? You know what makes me happy the most about our business, is knowing that I can provide other people with a job and an opportunity. I think a lot of others across the country who are on here know where Im coming from. Those of us who have small gyms, who run prep businesses, powerliting businesses, crossfit gyms etc know how much time it takes to make a business successful and it annoying to hear personal trainers who have no clue about success or business run their mouths. Those of you who continue to talk, really take a deep look at your situation and ask yourself are you really that successful?? Probably not. We spend a majority of our time on our business and our clients. If we put 30 people on stage and 29 of them look good but one doesnt than that pisses me off and I dont consider that a successful show. We want nothing more than our clients to walk on stage and have a good experience doing so whether they place or had an amazing transformation or even they dont compete and just want to get lean. I dont understand why there are so many people in the Boise area who are so caught up in acting like they are better than someone else because they competed at a higher level, who gives a shit, it is about personal gains and always being better than the time before. My trainers are examples of this lifestyle and they are awesome trainers and we couldnt be happier to have them. We create our own trainers, I hate personal training certifications and think they are the biggest waste of time and just cause your certified doesnt mean shit. I surround our gym with trainers who are into the lifestyle, love what they do and give them an opportunity to do what they love and follow their passion. Fitness is about passion, not being certified so those of you who think your certification means something, congrats you finished a course that you started studying for on Friday and took the test on Monday and on Tue you are now a certified trainer, a lot of education there. My requirements are they have to have gone through a contest prep and they have to like the sport if they want to work here so that I know they have a passion for what we do here. When you take this mindset and place it into your business, you will be surprised how fast your business will grow and how successful you will become, but talking about how we do things is not the way to do it so have some respect and shut your mouth!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 21:13:50 +0000

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