A combination of chemo, faith, family support, organic - TopicsExpress


A combination of chemo, faith, family support, organic supplements, and most importantly a positive attitude contributed to the miraculous recovery from HER 2+ a severe, rather violent form of breast cancer. This is where prayer was a major factor and my faith was put to the ultimate test. There were a lot of emotions through this humbling journey that seemed to run together at times, such as shock, confusion, self-worth, harsh reality, but never fear. God has not given me the spirit of fear, but of a sound mind and a solid word to stand on. With odds against me in every subliminal aspect , there was nothing more to do than to hang on to God’s unchanging hands. Around mid-July, just shy of my 40th birthday, I noticed a lump in my left breast. After some time, the size and hardness increased, raising concern. After a visit with my doctor, he referred me out to a breast cancer consultant. Because of my age and physical capability, the doctor was certain that it was nothing more than a cyst and prescribed antibiotics. 2 weeks later, through biopsy and mammogram, the cancers presence was confirmed. Immediately, I felt like I had been given the death sentence and questioned if breast cancer was going to take me to my King. The shock took weeks to understand, and even longer to overcome, presently abandoning me in excruciating pain physically, spiritually and emotionally. A wave of disbelief overwhelmed my mind, but I refused to let my condition consume me, as I continued serving diligently in the United States Army Reserve the entire duration of my struggle. My camouflage stripes concealed the true soldier within my uniform, and masked my condition. Consequently, I never had to sacrifice my independence, because I continued to work as a physical therapist throughout the whole course of chemo. The naturalpathic supplements minimized the side effects of the chemo therefore, I didn’t experience the common nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy, but was left with neuropathy , muscle and bone ache and extreme fatigue. At one vital moment, I was on Filagrastim injections, injecting daily medication directly into my bone marrow to prevent infection, as my immune system was next to nothing. Lab reports revealed that invasive carcinoma in my left breast in the most aggressive form of ER/HER 2+ traveled into my left lymph nodes. Remaining optimistic I summoned the courage to undergo and complete chemo, and took the first step on the road to recovery . With the devastating news, I knew my highly toxic relationship played a key role in the development of the breast cancer. For years the stress had me bound, but trying to remain faithful to the commitment I made to God, and my husband I tried to turn things around. My marriage became physically and mentally violent at times and unsafe while battling the cancer. At this point, it was imperative that I engulf myself around supportive and positive individuals, but that was not so easy living overseas. While living in London, I found support through my church family, friends and work colleagues who fostered a loving and positive environment that was so crucial to my recovery. Eventually, I proceeded with the divorce, and that was a battle in itself. I truly felt like a cancer patient when I lost my hair. With my physical appearance changed so drastically, it became difficult to conceal my condition. After chemo, I underwent a major surgery and radiotherapy. Astonishingly, the tumor melted away so fast that if the cancerous area wasn’t marked, the doctors wouldn’t have been able to identify the location of the original tumor at the time of surgery. The surgeon reported that the tumor was 35mm in maximal dimension (the size of a golf ball), but by the time of my lumpectomy, the tumor shrank to the size of my fingernail tip in just four short months. That was a miracle in itself. With that stated, a combination of chemo, faith, family support, organic supplements and a positive attitude contributed to my amazing recovery, in record time. Reflecting back on the long journey and all of its short-comings and obstacles , today it is an honor to be considered a cancer survivor. I am an advocate and activist for breast cancer patients and early detection. As a physical therapist,, I can also relate to my patients physical pain and disabilities on a deeper personal level. I am the definition of survivor, outlasting breast cancer, a paralyzing relationship, the duties of physical therapy, and labor in the U.S Army Reserve. I am more than a conqueror. His Word never fails when He says, I shall live and not die, and I shall have life and live more abundantly. God’s grace and mercy was upon me as the tumor melted like wax at the presence of the Lord.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 08:21:58 +0000

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