A compassionate society makes sure that people do not starve. It - TopicsExpress


A compassionate society makes sure that people do not starve. It does not buy free lunch for everyone. A compassionate society makes provisions so that the homeless or the otherwise destitute are not exposed to the elements. It does not provide no-down payment, no income loans so that people can buy unaffordable houses at inflated prices. A compassionate society provides opportunities; it does not treat free cell phones or wireless internet as an entitlement. It does not punish work or make it easier to be dependent than it is to get a job and improve yourself. A compassionate society provides the opportunity and the freedom to travel. It does not compel you to buy your neighbor a new car. A compassionate society provides a temporary safety net for the unlucky. It does not provide a soft mattress for a lifetime of dependency. A compassionate society may cushion the worst effect of the business cycles. It does not provide billion dollar bailouts to the business whose reckless risky bets go south. A compassionate society takes care of those in need. It does not assume that we are all incapable of making it on our own. A compassionate society does not infantilize its citizens or corrupt them by making them a nation of moochers.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jan 2012 21:25:23 +0000

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