A couple of FB friends who are telling very important truths VERY - TopicsExpress


A couple of FB friends who are telling very important truths VERY IMPORTANT ********** And before anyone gets crazy because The Rich shouldnt have to pay more taxes, THEYRE JOB CREATORS and where would the incentive be?, understand this and understand it well: You are more likely to be paying WAY more in FEDERAL INCOME TAXES, as a PERCENTAGE of your pay, than your boss making 1000 times more than you. Because they get loopholes and writeoffs that we cant get. They can have a horse that is, depending on which day you ask, a therapy horse for an ailing family member, a dancing show horse with just barely enough talent to get into the Olympics, or a business investment. And you can deduct the upkeep under Business expenses even if youre not breeding or professionally riding the horse. Yeah, sorry, Id have been more smypathetic to Mrs. Romney had her husband deducted Refalcas upkeep, food, board and vet bills under MEDICAL expenses, since the horse was allegedly her therapy horse. Back to the topic. Under Dwight D. Eisenhower (no flaming liberal, a Republican and a decorated, certified WAR HERO), the marginal tax rate on businesses and the very wealthy was 90%. Now, hardly anyone at that stratum paid the full 90%, but they paid a good chunk. And guess what happened? All boats were lifted, the middle class BOOMED, we built the Interstate Highway System, our schools were the absolute ENVY OF THE WORLD, and a guy could put in his 8 hours, come home to the wife and kids, own his own home AND put his kids through college. Hell, the rich even became RICHER! We had full employment and you could get your high school diploma on a Friday, go to the local factory that your dad and brothers and uncles and cousins worked at on Monday and have a good paying job.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 11:34:00 +0000

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