A daughter of God? Many profess faith in Jesus Christ but not all - TopicsExpress


A daughter of God? Many profess faith in Jesus Christ but not all are thoroughly converted & understand what being a child of God is. Though all human beings were created by a living, loving, self-existent God, the female fold are unique in all aspect. A daughter of God may be living in a morally decayed environment but will still not disappoint her God & Saviour. She will always know her limits & represent God where she is opportune to be. She maybe surrounded with so many schedules but wont forget fellowship with God & those around her. She wont let the light of heaven be put out & be hidden in order to achieve personal desires. A daughter of God brings great blessings to her family & to her husband. She does not mess around because her husband did same, but prays earnestly for the deliverance of her husband. She realises the injunction in the Scripture to submit to her own husband & hesitate not to do as God commanded. She works relentlessly to build her home & nurture her God-given children in the way of the LORD. Do you remember the young captive girl Esther. Was she without trials & pressing temptation, as a young unmarried lady in a strange land? Of course the answer remains NO. She regarded herself still under Gods watchful eyes & chose to glorify in a pagan nation. In the words of E. G. White: A study of women’s work in connection with the cause of God in Old Testament times will teach us lessons that will enable us to meet emergencies in the work today. We may not be brought into such a critical and prominent place as were the people of God in the time of Esther; but often converted women can act an important part in more humble positions. This many have been doing, and are still ready to do.—Special Testimonies, Series B 15:2. You can be such unique daughter of God that heaven will be proud of, if you so desire. God can forgive you all you have done against Him & against your close friends. The hope is not lost yet. Wrongs can be righted now. Hearts are still being changed to Gods glory & salvation of young ladies. All are invited to the throne of grace to receive forgiveness of sins, & to be empowered by the same grace of God to livein obedience to the lovely commands of God. May the LORD bless & sanctify you as you submit all to Jesus Christ today. GOOD DAY!!!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 10:30:11 +0000

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