A dialog with God Thoth : Answering questions from - TopicsExpress


A dialog with God Thoth : Answering questions from people. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question: If Earth once had high-vibrations and it was made for the Gods. Did plants and animals have high-vibrations? How did humans come to be on Earth? What are the low-vibrations beings that came to Earth? I understand to steal the Earths resources. Are they still here? What/where are they? I understand that some species went to live in the Earth? What are these? Is the Devils Door and other high-vibration areas the doorways to these species? Is that the reason humans have such fear of these areas? I understand we should leave these areas alone. Is this true? Marti When earths vibration starts to rise, all beings will experience a vibrational rise. This does not mean that the animal and the plant kingdom will have a high consciousness unless they are designed to have it. If earths vibration rises, the people who live on earth will not have a third dimensional experience: they will be able to see and hear many species who do exist but are not perceived. Furthermore if earths vibration rises she will be able to support and create more species. During the golden era, earth was a high vibrational planet and her inhabitants were high vibrational beings. At this time planet earth was safeguarded by the gods and their helpers who were there working for the creation and stability of the planet. When we completed the task, we decided that earth should be a god creator and she should be free to act and create. After a while we had the first visitors on earth. They were high dimensional beings who came to explore the planet. Later more visitors came and had a different plan. Their plan was to collect earths resources. All humans who exist on earth right now are children of the astral travellers who came to the planet and created civilisations. The hollow earth is a very sacred place and humans are not allowed to enter because the vibration there is much higher and will be hard for them to survive. There are many more reasons why humans can not enter the sacred place but I can not reveal them to you right now. The strong power that lives in the centre of the earth connects the planet with the universe. Trust wisdom and your way to wisdom will open. The high creator god Thoth ____________________________________________________________ Question: Confirmation if my last reincarnations or connections? (I felt that I have been gifted with extraordinary skills that I have possessed since I was young, & wonder if it had any prior soul experience or any other karmic connection that aided in who I in this life time) Id like to gave a confirmation about my path & if what I am doing will heed great positive change? Eric. Eric you have reincarnated several times but there was one of these reincarnations that you achieve a high understanding of cosmos and you were highly respected by many people in your time. This was a high point in your evolution because not only you were able to connect to cosmic truth and wisdom but you were also able to pass this information to people through art and science and help them to expand their consciousness. After this reincarnation you remained in the astral plane and you continued to evolve in a high speed. You are one of the many beings who volunteered to reincarnate in this time in order to help earth to take a crucial decision and choose between chaos and rebirth. All beings who reincarnate in the physical plane have their own challenges and as they wake up, which is a very slow process, they go through many transformations. You were placed in an environment/family of intelligent and talented people. This was a gift to you but also a challenge. Your challenge now is to lay bare, stop feeding from your past connections and discover your true self and purpose. So far you have been convinced that you had made great progress in your life, in reality you followed a pattern that was created by your environment. Something inside is telling you that you have to look elsewhere for true growth. Keep this voice alive in you, listen to it carefully, when you are free from the past is going to give you direct information as to what you next step is. If you decide to ignore this voice and continue with what you were doing you will keep yourself in a lower vibration, following the blind, always searching for a high moment of completion. If you decide to listen to the voice then you are going to struggle in the beginning as you try to be true and find your own path, but then when you have fully accepted your new status all the doors of growth will open and you may reach even a higher point of growth than you last incarnation. This is your goal. You want to be successful and you want to equip yourself and make the right connections for this to happen. If you free yourself from the old patterns then everything you need will come to you. Beings who are feeding and being fed by the illusion are looking and searching with their eyes closed and then they rely on social patterns to help them experience an artificial growth. When you are true and you connect to your purpose, then you become open to the light and information from your astral body. You become a magnet for all the tools, skills, connections that you need to achieve your goal. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- READ MORE ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS BY GOD THOTH BY USING THE LINK BELOW. _______________________________________________________ Done by communication between High Creator God Thoth, Barbara and Robbert-jan Rozenkruis. _______________________________________________________ READ ALSO ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS BY GOD THOTH PART 2 ON OUR WEB BLOG _______________________________________________________ pantheonofaeternam.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/a-dialog-with-god-thoth-answering.html
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 22:55:27 +0000

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