"A dream written upon the infinite to immortalize a love worth - TopicsExpress


"A dream written upon the infinite to immortalize a love worth remembering." I love you Desiree Infinite Desir(e) As we drove along that road, we both knew I was not going to take you home. I was so nervous yet so confident in what I was about to do. For months I had been thinking of ways to show you how I felt about you. We had been texting back and for days, flirting and giving subtle hints that we both were thinking the same thing. The tension had built to more than I could handle. Your beautiful brown eyes burned with passion and lust. I could feel the energy building. Pure electricity pulsed from the butterflies racing around my heart. The closer we got to our destination the more the seconds turned to minutes. I could almost not move, I wanted so much to touch you. Then I let myself go. I could not contain myself any longer. I blindly surrender to passion. I moved my hand to her knee. I immediately felt her give herself over to me. In an instant she was on me. Her crimson red hair fell onto my face as she jumped from her seat to straddle on top of me. The Kiss Never have a felt a more passion filled kiss in my life. Time had stopped. My mind, body, and soul were completely in the moment. I was hers, amazed, in a euphoric bliss. As we made love, every single touch, movement, and sound increased into an ecstasy I had only dreamed of. I have never experienced anything close to this moment in all my relationships since you. We fell into such a deep love. Pure everlasting soul mates. A dream. Every day I wondered if I would experience you again. Then you called out to me. A Call, a Text After speaking with you after all these years I had so many buried emotions brought to the surface. You wanted to see me again. Desperately had to know if I really was the one you had known so intimately. You wanted the truth. Was I the man that you gave your heart over to. A lover that had you completely. Would do anything for you. Love you like no other. Believe me Desiree, I gave an amazing amount of thought into seeing you again in Florida. Many times over I convinced myself it would only end in my heart being broken again. But, just like you... I had to know if we were real. Florida I had butterflies the moment I took off from San Diego and landed next to you in your passenger seat. I watched you move and step in front of me as we walked down the hallway to the door to your room. You were more beautiful than I remembered. My heart starting racing again as the door closed behind me, we embraced and reunited with that lovers kiss we once knew all those years ago. The next few days were the most amazing time in my life. We completely fell in love all over again. Even more deeply than before. My heart felt whole again, stronger and more perfect than before. You promised me you would never let me go again and I passionately told you I want to spend the rest of my life with you. My Desire This feeling has never left me. It has been ingrained into every last fiber of my being. It is infinite, complete, and utterly addicting. This love, this passion, this desire has no equal. Just as you said, you and I are soul mates, destined to be one. I am not waiting any longer. We all have a journey, a path we are called to. We accept or run from it. I have chosen my path. I accept its call and surrender my soul for passion to take control. As I write this my heart starts to flutter, the electricity strengthens with every pulse. My mind is focused and can feel you thinking of me. True love has been the single most inspiring factor in the pursuit of my dreams. I have experienced endless passion, felt an infinite desir(e). You have made me truly powerful. I still get nervous, experience butterflies when I think of you... your touch, your kiss. The never ending smile we have in each others presence. I am amazed at the strength I have in these moments with you. You feed my soul, challenge me to rise higher, to become the Hero for myself, for you, and others. This our dream. My soul is on fire. You said, "Never give up hope. Try it one more time." Desiree, my bags are packed and my path is set. I am stepping forward unto this dream. I called out and the Universe answered. It has chosen to be on my side as it always has been. This knowledge has given me great courage. There is a power deep inside you, an inner strength you will find in the time of need. With this, nothing can stop my determination. It does not matter what obstacles get in my way, what people know what I intend to accomplish. Not even you can stop what has been set into motion. What matters, is that I have stood up, accepted this calling, and had the passion and desire to face this day. This is the heroes journey. This is my story, Desiree. .... "Chasing Butterflies." Act Three - Love or Betrayal - The Return to NYC
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 04:54:06 +0000

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