A facebook friend of mine send me the article below: I read it - TopicsExpress


A facebook friend of mine send me the article below: I read it and have seen other similar comments of Kirks and articles written responding to his fallacious statements that the pagans wrongly rant over Christian holidays. I am pleased to see that the article below rightly states that many modern Christmas traditions, including the Dec. 25 date and a celebration based around a tree, began as pagan celebrations of winter, such as Yule and Saturnalia. These celebrations pre-date Christianity by many many years, and they are not God honoring celebrations, no matter who wants to say they are. If you are willing to press in there is a very good documentary on this taking a historical journey to the roots of these practices and their meaning - https://youtube/watch?v=VGgt_dsdLWs. As I am sure you recall, Jesus gave us the mandate as to what we are to do to remember Him. He never told us to remember or celebrate His birth (which is one of the reasons why His birth date is never given in scripture and people are left to try to figure it out). He said, do this in remembrance of Me. It is the remembrance of His sacrifice through the symbols of His shed blood and broken body that honors Him and what He did. In fact, practicing the Feasts of the Lord is a witness to humanity of our fallen nature and our desperate need for our Savior and for Gods unthinkable plan of redemption and prophetic events prophesying Jesus birth, death, resurrection, return, the judgment of humanity and the latter reign of Christ with His faithful few.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 04:32:40 +0000

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