A family should be a haven in a hurting world... We are back in - TopicsExpress


A family should be a haven in a hurting world... We are back in Spokane after 12 fun filled and socially exhausting days. I say exhausting because I am not what you would consider a social butterfly. When other people energize during social outings, my emotional battery is drained. I manage to do quite well most the time, but when my meter hits “0” I graciously make my exit to a quiet place. I recall having bible studies in the parsonage, as a young pastor, where the couples would stay until 1:30 a.m. Around 11:00 p.m. I would excuse myself and tell them to turn out the lights and lock the door on their way out. In my last update I mentioned the conference we attended in Colorado Springs, CO. This time together was also planned as a reunion for siblings on my wife’s side of the family. Then Judi and I joined my brother Stan and his wife Karen in their RV and drove to Flagstaff, AZ where we had a reunion on my side of the family. Before leaving Colorado Springs we visited the Garden of the God’s. The Garden of the Gods is a series of stunning red rock formations apparently created during a geological upheaval along a natural fault line millions of years ago. The area was first called Red Rock Corral. Then, in August 1859, two surveyors who helped to set up Colorado City, which was later named Colorado Springs, explored the site. One of the surveyors suggested that it would be a "capital place for a beer garden." His companion, the young Rufus Cable, awestruck by the impressive rock formations, exclaimed, "Beer Garden! Yes, it is a fit place for the gods to assemble. We will call it the Garden of the Gods.” Hence, the name has stuck to this day! We then drove south down interstate “25” where we junctioned with hwy. #160 and headed west. We spent the night in an RV park near Alamosa, CO. The next day we continued on Hwy. #160 which took us through Pagosa Springs and Durango before we eventually connected with Hwy. #191. We then headed south until we reached Bluff, UT., where we stayed the night at the Cadillac RV Park. The following day Stan, Karen and my cousin Linda went 4-wheeling and Judi and I stayed back at the camp grounds. We rested for a while then went over to Fort Bluff and took a walking tour of this historical Mormon settlement established in 1880. There was a 10 minute film describing how a group seventy families consisting of around 250 men, women and children, left Escalante in south central Utah in October 1879 intending to establish the mission at Montezuma on the San Juan River. The pioneers expected the 125 mile trek would take about 6 weeks. Instead, the journey extended to a 260 mile journey that took over 6 months through arduous terrain and extreme winter conditions. Historians consider the expedition one of the most extraordinary wagon trips ever undertaken in North America and an amazing example of the pioneer spirit. Many sections of the trail were almost impassable. In the final descent into the river valley, the men spent 6 weeks blasting and chiseling a path through a narrow 1,200 foot drop in the sandstone cliffs to create an opening for the wagons to pass. This perilous, 45 degree passage is known as the Hole-in-the-Rock, which is still visible at present day Lake Powell. When we finally arrived in Flagstaff, Judi and I stayed with my brother Eric and his wife carol. Besides being an exceptional tool maker and inventor, he has developed his own line of coffee called, “Its About Coffee.” They roast their own beans and serve this exquisite elixir out of the front office area of their Machine Shop. They have even received the “best coffee” award from the city of Flagstaff. By the time we left Flagstaff I had been thoroughly spoiled by this fine brew. Our time in Flagstaff was filled with many family activities, which included great food, cut-throat on the pool table and my favorite, of course, golf. It has been nearly five years since we brothers and our families have been together. Now, more than ever I have come to appreciate our legacy and our history. Life has a way of filling our days with activity that puts too much distance between us and our loved ones. It is no secret that maintaining relationships is not only time consuming it is expensive. If it hadn’t been for the generosity of Judi’s brother Dick and his ministry we wouldn’t have been able to make the trip to Colorado Springs. Then my brother Stan and his wife made it possible for us to have a family reunion in Flagstaff. Literally, thousands of dollars were invested to make these two weekends possible. Was it worth it! Absolutely! I believe there is a spiritual and emotional link that exists between family members. This unique connection we share with each other has the power to heal and destroy. No one can hurt us like the ones who are supposed to love us the most. It is no wonder the family has been under attack since the first family in the garden of Eden. The alienation that comes from fractured homes leave wounds that only God’s love and forgiveness can completely heal. Don’t let the failures of the past cut you off from your family members. It is worth the effort to pursue a relationship with them, if not for your emotional health, at least for theirs. The family… “We may not have it all together, but together we have it all!” Anonymous Judi and I are restocking the RV and getting ready to head back out on the road for our next leg of the walk. I’ll be starting where I left off, just a few miles north of Lincoln City, OR on Hwy. # 101. I’ll walk south along the Oregon coast until I cross over into California. Our goal for this leg out is to reach Pelican Beach, just over the California border. Thank you for your support and encouragement. The two week break has helped my legs and feet to heal so I should be in better shape as I head out this time. We still need our monthly financial base to improve; anything you can do to help would be greatly appreciated. You can make your donations on our website: circlethenation All our lov Norm & Judi
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 05:55:55 +0000

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