A few things occurred to me Sunday sitting in church as the pastor - TopicsExpress


A few things occurred to me Sunday sitting in church as the pastor wished the dads a happy Father’s Day. It was my second without my father and I was just reminded of a few things I felt like sharing. If you know me, you know I’m not all that good at “sharing”, especially highly personal things. But . . . He was married to the same woman for over 60 years. Our last big family gathering was their anniversary and he was gone a month later. (So never miss an opportunity.) On to my real point -I tend to ramble. I didn’t like him very much growing up. My friends had penny loafers and I had black lace-ups because they offered better support for my growing ankles. I didn’t have the right fashions or get to go where some of my friends went. He was strict. My father truly believed in corporal punishment and some days I felt like the poster child. I didn’t seem to have a lot others had. We didn’t know we were supposed to have self-esteem, but we knew we were loved. This is what I did have. A father who led his household, who loved his wife, who loved his children, and most important loved and followed his Heavenly Father and taught it by example to my sister and me and to our sons. I had a father who lived by those principles. While we might not have had the latest fashions, on our table was the best and most nourishing food, no corners cut. Over our head was a good roof in a good neighborhood. This man once left a good-paying job because it took too many hours from his family, working too many nights. (How many of us would do that?) I could go on, but the highest tribute is the things people said to me on his passing and after, even the man who cut his hair told me about their conversations and his respect for my dad. In short, he was faithful. I am grateful. I can never live up to the example.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 02:37:17 +0000

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