A few thoughts prior to blocking the Capo triplets (Tony Capo, - TopicsExpress


A few thoughts prior to blocking the Capo triplets (Tony Capo, Capo Tony, Charles Capo): (If you only skim posts, #2 is the most important to me as your sister in Christ) 1. Yes, I agree, one shouldn’t have to announce every time one blocks another; I mean, how petty does that seem? My blocking of Bev #1 came with an announcement because I also was inquiring as to why such a troll remained on the forum. My blocking of Bev #2 came as a “public service announcement” to all who, like me, had blocked Bev and could suddenly see her again. But my Capo block must come with public apology. 2. I owe an apology to all here. We all hope that we will not be like the New Yorker who can walk by a crime as it happens. Or take a video of it, as seems more common lately. But I am not blind to the verbal vomit that has come from the Capo triplets, especially, it seems, toward women. Does he have Asperger’s or something? In any case, Bev, who is many things, does not deserve the label “bimbo.” Other examples could surely be offered, but that was hideous enough. All I have ever done in light of such attacks (see above, where I SAID I’m not blind) is mumble that I don’t condone the use of the word bimbo. Ho hum. Why not rebuke Capo directly? Here are reasons, but I fear they are only excuses: a. Other brothers are already rebuking him. b. I noticed on my first or second day that Capo was REALLY rough with others. c. (Shame on me) Capo very often says doctrinally sound things. d. I suspected he would bite my head off. Indeed, what if he is one of those people who will defend themselves by pointing to Jesus cleaning out the Temple? As if there is any comparison? Please forgive me, brothers and sisters, for my silence. I don’t know if rebuke would have gone anywhere with him, even from such as me who shares his very theology. It was a shock to see that he aimed “tacky bimbo” at me, but it should not have been. We are all strangers here, so speculation is worth very little, but while Bev is probably not a believer, I suspect Capo probably IS, and with a LOT of answering to do. So while I will no longer see the good theology from him, once he is blocked, he never said anything I didn’t already know, and I will spare myself his ugliness. He is your problem now (sorry), and also his pastor’s problem (pray for them both). 3. Remember that atheist, or that Muslim, that you know, who is the sweetest person ever? And that Christian in your church, the one with whom you are sorta embarrassed to be seen in public, because of their temper? Please, please, please know that this is NOT a “doctrine thing.” Nastiness knows no sect or denomination. 4. The Capo triplets cannot see this post. So you won’t get your OWN head bitten off by commenting here. But please recall that he is made in God’s image, just as you are, and guard your words accordingly. And if not for the Lord’s sake, consider the possibility that he has a FOURTH FB account, LOL Much love to all – hoping to NOT make a habit of this!!!
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 23:23:41 +0000

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