A few weeks ago I heard the voice of the Lord and He said “TAKE - TopicsExpress


A few weeks ago I heard the voice of the Lord and He said “TAKE CARE OF YOU.” I said, “What did You say?” He said, “I SAID TAKE CARE OF YOU. YOU’VE BEEN EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY BUT IN THIS SEASON I NEED YOU TO TAKE CARE OF YOU BECAUSE I HAVE FURTHER WORK FOR YOU TO DO.” “But Lord, I don’t know how to take care of me, You’ve always done it.” …. Well, I’m learning… I just returned from getting the most awesome massage from a lady named Julie. As I listened to my phone sounding off time and time again I heard Him say, “NO, I SAID TAKE CARE OF YOU.” So, here I sit for the first time in many years with my shoulder relaxed, only pain I’m feeling is pain from the massage. After you’ve hurt so much, you learn to focus on others and other things and you learn to continue… Oh, it hurts so good! I thought I wouldn’t make it home because I was too relaxed, had to stay FOCUSED. You see… I’ve spent my entire life taking care of others, neglected self for so long that pain was my norm and nobody even knew… I’ve listened to others complain about their aches, their past, their hardships, their relationships, etc., etc. and I’ve wanted to say so often… “If you only knew my story and I didn’t make bad decisions/choices, it happened due to obedience so that I could see the goodness of the Lord in all ways. “ He has been my Help, my Strong Tower, my Deliverer, my Healer, my Pillow…my Everything. I don’t have to understand it all… but I must continue to trust Him. Anyway… Julie. What a beautiful lady. I had been told she walked with a cane so that didn’t surprise me. Her spirit was awesome; her touch was deep…ouch! But as we began to talk, I knew God had sent me to her. Similar to myself, Julie has osteoarthritis… hers pretty bad, she aches all the time, therefore she’s able to relate to the pain of others. It wasn’t until she was done and sit down and we began to really talk that I realized she may have been an earthly angel… showing me her fingers, letting me touch her hand, sooooo warm as her heart was. I am able to effectively minister to so many because I’ve been somewhere around where they are just as Julie has experienced so much pain. She’s just a little ole country girl as I am, raised in a house full of people as I was. She even had a little curly “fro”, a little bit plump (lol)… felt like I was talking to myself but me of my other “race”… hearts connecting. She said people judge her as they first view her because they think being broken down as she appears she can’t possibly help them. But when it’s over they tell her how she inspires them to keep on keeping on. She’s found her place in this season of her life, being a previous government contractor, she’s happy, being useful, and taking care of her children and just loving life. Julie said, “I don’t attend church because it’s just organized religion and I can talk to my God anytime I please.” I told her about HPCC, how God has done so much there, full of Love, performed signs, miracles and wonders… how freely His Spirit reigns. I told her that when I walk into the building every piece of pain disappears due to the anointing and that I know this is my thorn that keeps me humble. She knows exactly where we are located and just might visit. After talking an extra 15-20 minutes she slowly but surely grabs her cane and carefully gets up and leaves. I look at her and thank God things are as well as they are, realizing many complain about much but we shouldn’t. I’m just thanking God for the meeting of this lovely lady… can’t wait to get back next week. It’s very seldom that I’ve met people who just want to take care of me as I’ve taken care of them. Most people just want and never give. Thank You Lord for allowing me the opportunity to meet YOU today… You’re beautiful… Now, Ill check my phone and get back to work... just wanted to share before someone attempted to snatch these moments from me. Amen? Sometimes were so blessed and dont even realize it... Someone who appeared to be disable was more than able to be used to make my day!
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 18:21:00 +0000

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