A final word: The Maine Ebola nurse issue is symptomatic of the - TopicsExpress


A final word: The Maine Ebola nurse issue is symptomatic of the me generation. I dont want to wait in line, I dont need to drive the speed limit, I dont have to use a headset on my phone, I can text and drive, I want it all and I want it now and if I dont get it all now I am going to .... sue. The fact is there are guidelines with respect to quarantine when we deal with certain diseases. If those guidelines are wrong, or outmoded or no longer relevant, then we go to whomever sets the guidelines and we get them changed. BUT in the interim, we do not violate them. To do so would be to create chaos. And as a medical professional this woman has a duty to set an example to the lay public as well as her colleagues. We abide by the conventional wisdom until it is proven no longer wise and thus ceases to be a convention. Has/does this woman also taken shortcuts as she gives shots, draws up meds, administers treatments, washes her hands? I note that among most threads here about this, those who are RNs are vehemently opposed to this womans actions and back a full 21 day quarantine and feel she is a disgrace to the profession. Their words. For all my friends who are civil libertarians whose hearts bleed for Kaci, let me remind you this woman went into this knowing full well the risks. We have not plucked random people off the streets and demanded their quarantine. No, this woman is a self centered, ego driven, spoiled brat who in the vernacular of a commercial some years ago wants her Vita-yums now! And when she cant have them, she tries to find a away around, in this case Norman Siegel, ex-ACLU (which says a lot right there). Yes we need to review the wisdom of the 21 day quarantine and yes, perhaps, perhaps it is a bit Draconian, But until those qualified to make that decision (not lawyers, politicians, the media) do, and until that decision can be made calmly and coolly and not under the pressure of a lawsuit and the dissection of the media, Kaci should stay where he is and be a big girl. THEN she can get the book deal, the guest shot on Jimmy Fallon, the cover of People and whatever else we use to reward lens lice like her.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 15:10:20 +0000

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