A friend I have known since we were eight or nine playing little - TopicsExpress


A friend I have known since we were eight or nine playing little league football and baseball wrote me last night. I know he wouldnt mind me sharing our exchange. David, Thank you so much for sending me the video. I am thankful that our paths have crossed again after so many years. Your story is amazing and it touches me very deeply. I want you to know that I will stay in touch; I will follow your journey; I will pray for you personally and for the situation you find yourself in. I also would love to contribute in some way when able. David, I have no idea of the struggle that daily life is for you! but I do know that your courage is and has been a strong encouragement for many. I mean, I have not seen you in years! it has been a loooooonggg time since fun days at the little league fields, but I want you to know that since I have become reacquainted with you through social media, your life has blessed me. I know that sounds crazily weird, but in my own health struggles, you pop up into my mind and all of a sudden there is a whole different perspective. David, I am a follower of Christ. I believe Him. I believe in Him. I trust Him. There is a whole I dont understand about His ways, but years ago I was introduced to a sermon by Charles Spurgeon that said in summary: God is too wise to be mistaken. God is too good to be unkind. When you dont understand, when dont see his hand, when you cant trace His Plan; trust His heart. I know that is a whole lot easier for me to say, but I also believe that the prize is worth the price for the believer. I will stay in touch with you. Thank you again for sending me the video. I am proud to be on your team. Mark Turk Holt Thank you so much Turk! I have fond memories of football and baseball in our Mayberry years ago. I truly appreciate your kind words, encouragement and support. I am at peace with the direction my life took. I was on my way to Alaska and would have spent years in the wilderness guiding fishermen. I suppose if I allow allow myself to think narcissistically I am still guiding. I am a believer Mark I was even baptized in a cattle trough since on the ventilator. I have never blamed God. I know my longevity and determination is God given. I lose sight of that when the hits just keep coming. On this journey losing so much I have developed trust issues and I prefer to depend on myself. Isnt that a hoot for someone that cant even do one thing for himself!!! My Dad would tell me I have painted myself into a corner if he was alive. For once thats a good thing. As circumstances have fallen in place I find myself in a life or death situation with no other option than to depend on God and the goodness of others to rescue me. I want to express my tremendous appreciation for writing, because the only time I slow down and think is when I pen my thoughts. I needed to realize this is my final opportunity to trust in God and the hearts of mankind. I so want to throw up walls and control my destiny by doing something ignorant. Thank you my long time friend! All the best, David
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 12:14:29 +0000

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