A friend of mine who is an ambulance driver currently working - TopicsExpress


A friend of mine who is an ambulance driver currently working urgent care has yesterday been given a letter stating three options. Option one Voluntary Redundancy, Option two to go back working out of A&E which means covering nights sat and sun which nearly broke the man the last time he did it. Option three stay as he is with removal of his paramedic license and take a £8000 a year pay cut. He had heard a rumour this might be happening and it has been agreed by the union Unison at top level. This is happening right across the ambulance service. The really sad thing is he is a unison union rep and only heard officially when the letter arrived on his doorstep. My point is that things like this only highlight just how good a deal the CWU got for us and how strong as a union we are.
Posted on: Sat, 03 May 2014 06:00:42 +0000

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