A generation of kids who feel lonely, but are never alone. One - TopicsExpress


A generation of kids who feel lonely, but are never alone. One problem I have with the current generation is the lack of time dedicated to yourself. We no longer have any alone time. And no, I dont mean the NSA legally spying on us through our Facebooks, GPS systems, and that lovely front selfie taking iPhone camera you love so much..I mean, we just dont have enough time totally to our selves. Even when we are physically alone, we are not actually ever alone. Although you may be by yourself in your room, you still have that piece of technology in your front right pocket to answer to. Theres always a text to respond to, a call to answer, a FB to acknowledge, and an IG comment to read. Plus, the way our social norms are constructed, YOU MUST RESPOND. We hang on to these morals so tightly that apple and FB even have Read slips. Why? Why is that needed? And what happens if you dont answer your phone. You didnt answer me are you ok? Are you mad at me Whats wrong Why didnt you answer? Why. Why. Why Why. Why. Now, its creating a dependency in our every day life- all patience is killed. We want our coffee now. We want the new iPhone now. I want an answer from you now. Im not saying that 1+2=3, that our lack of patience is directly from this - but it absolutely is a factor. Im also not even getting to how interaction through phones murders a relationship. I mean, we already have a generation who gets bored of they arent constantly entertained, and now youre gonna try and date someone whom you already know everything about from texting. Not gonna work. Alone time is absolutely essential. Time without FB, time without TV. Listening is important, yes. But reflecting on what you heard is just as important. Save time so think on your own, with your own opinions. Not FOX 5s on TV, or your friend Jennifer from HSs on Facebook..just your own, un-influenced true thoughts. Maybe a trip to the city with your phone on airplane mode wont be such a bad thing, or your phone turned off one full Sunday. You wont feel awful about it, I promise. Youll learn a lot more about yourself, and maybe for the first time in your life..learn who you are. Why do we think we all overthink at night? We all do it. But WHY? I think its because its the only time of the entire day we arent constantly being entertained- therefore, actually required to think on our own without someone thinking for us. Is there one minute of the day where you dont have something to focus on? From the moment you wake up. iPhone, to newspaper, to TV, to music, to sports, to a crazy guy on the train, to some shit that Kanye West is doing...we are always entertained....And when we lay down to sleep, in the dark, without a TV or a phone..for the first time we are forced to self-reflect and look deep into our lives. And it seems overwhelming because we only do it a few times a day. If you didnt have an iPhone, you would think about your life a lot more than just at night- therefore it will not be so overwhelming. Where else do you constantly think about life? Anybody else think about existentialism and aliens when theyre in the shower? Well, maybe not the alien part, but you catch my drift. The shower is another place where we dont have immediate entertainment blinding our eyes and deafening our ears. You are left alone...and left to reflect..and THINK. ..that is until they make TVs to distract us in the shower. But until then, enjoy your thoughts, put down your phone, take out your headphone and take a walk inside your mind.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 23:52:16 +0000

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