A good news day, weve been discharged from the Plastics clinic! - TopicsExpress


A good news day, weve been discharged from the Plastics clinic! Hurrah! Bs Pierre Robin (small jaw) is still sitting in the moderate to mild category but since its not inhibiting his breathing then we can leave well enough alone. We will need plastics again in the future for his palate expansion but that is still hopefully a few years out. When you belong to almost every clinic at ACH one less is a huge victory for Mr.B. We saw the Othoptics, Audiologist and Plastics today. We also managed to stop in at security and day surgery (Momma forgot the damnable ipad charger after surgery discharge last week!!!) with no success at either. We also picked up his afos (that need an adjustment next week) and will go back this afternoon to pick up an oxsymmetry monitor! We are doing another overnight oxygen test tonight to just make sure that were still not desating overnight (as he needed o2 after surgery last week). A long day (and its nowhere close to being over) but a productive one nonetheless. Big boys are still somewhat sick (as is Daddy too) but they got the clear to return to school at least! We are sure enjoying spring like weather here right now too and will possibly even get get a chance to get B outside is his walker tomorrow which hell love.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 21:41:20 +0000

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