A good salesperson seeks to understand more than to be understood, - TopicsExpress


A good salesperson seeks to understand more than to be understood, listens more than he/she speaks, formulates probing questions derived from the clients concerns, focuses on the benefits rather than features of the solutions, the word no is just a pause in the conversation and closing the sale is just the opening of a mutually productive relationship. Am I right? Mr. Bailey, Alfred Ares Xsaviour, Audrey, Donna, Christopher, Piazza, Sakina, Erika, Shelley, LaToya Lessons learned at SunTrust with my unforgettable friends. My best wishes for all of you at Christmas and the new year. You are all in my heart! For the benefit of my Spanish speaking friends: Un buen vendedor trata de comprender más que ser entendido, escucha más de lo que habla, formula preguntas de sondeo derivadas de las preocupaciones de los clientes, se enfoca en los beneficios mas que las caracteristicas de las soluciones, la palabra no es sólo una pausa en la conversación y cerrar la venta es la apertura de una relación mutuamente beneficiosa.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 21:33:15 +0000

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