A judgment requires hearing from both sides to be fair. My friend - TopicsExpress


A judgment requires hearing from both sides to be fair. My friend who works at SCMP has a testimony against the accusation from Apple Dailys article. See below. She has given permission to reshare. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For those who are blaming SCMP for self-censorship in the DGS-DBS ad campaign incident, I hope you can take time to read my thoughts - as both a DGS girl and an SCMP reporter - here. Id say that the Apple Daily article was quite an irresponsible one. Sales/Marketing and Editorial are separate departments using two separate systems - and to equate one decision made in one department as identical to another is jumping many, many steps. This is how a newspaper works - Apple Daily should know this as well. And I wonder if Apple Daily even bothered to ask for a reaction from SCMP. Has everyone forgotten the much reposted pepper spray video SCMP did last week? The blow-by-blow updates on our live blogs? The various articles and stories on police brutality, hurt protesters (including the young man photographed by Alex Ogle and the journalist with a full pepper-sprayed face), the whimsical anecdotes at the various Occupy sites? This cheap shot fired at the SCMP - is it for democracy? Or is it just a sensational bit to grab readers attention? In the end, doesnt this only hurt the frontline reporters who have been working day and night, trying to report accurate and insightful news on the movement? Think before you speak, think before you judge, and think before you maime. Id encourage critical members of the public to try reading all our Occupy articles, live blog and online updates and judge for yourself. My colleague, Emily Tsang has written some insightful things here, do give it a read as well: 其實,登一份聲明既價錢,係比登一個廣告貴好多!似乎係搞手自己唔知個分別,quote 價時話自己登廣告,後來先發現係聲明(成篇都係字),然後價錢要收貴啲。pr界都會知呢個分別。而且廣告部同編輯部完全各自為政,係咪可以搞清楚先鬧人? 老老實實,真係日日睇既人,就知編輯部上上下下對佔中報導做得幾用心,記者同直踩幾多個鐘、做通宵、無飯食、食催淚彈pepper spray呢啲都係基本野,從來無人有過怨言。工作時撞到所有外媒(包括BBC 同 CNN記者) ,個個都力讚,又話成晚睇住24小時live blog。始終外媒長期駐港的只有幾個人,好多人事後才趕來,加上有語言障礙,未必透徹了解到本地複雜環境,好多research 同update 都靠scmp,間接將成件事帶向國際社會。但在香港人自己就成日鬧「紅早」。 做佔中開始善用tweeter,更加感受到個影響。通宵更一個英文update,閒閒地上百個retweet,去到世界各地。中文媒體唔係做唔到,只可以講各有功能,沒有誰可以取替誰。 無人要搶住攞呢啲credit,因為我地只係低調地在幕後做好新聞。如果真係有問題,我心甘命抵,即時辭職,豪啲講一句,又唔係靠佢先可以開飯! 但啲人鬧前線記者之前,根本無bother 過完整咁睇哂成份英文報紙,輕易出口傷人,打擊前線有心做新聞既記者,最終損害的是誰? Feel free to share what I have written here. Tagging a few who have reacted to the report here, or can spread this to people who may want to know. FYI link to apple daily article here: hk.apple.appledaily/news/art/20141019/18904994
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 03:48:35 +0000

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