A letter to the Muslims by Richard Stinson follower of Jesus - TopicsExpress


A letter to the Muslims by Richard Stinson follower of Jesus Allah is one in human experience ; but in reality of the spiritual experience of humans, eventually, God is three expressions or persons . This is hard for the Islamic children to get past ; for they all believe that the Koran is perfect and hold fast to its contents when it says that any ONE who claims these things are liars and will burn eternally. And the Koran is filled with these sayings , that will keep Islamic children as slaves of God , instead of the children of God. The concept that Jesus was not the divine son from paradise has done all Muslims a huge disservice ; and the Holy Koran makes no bones about it that God is above having children, he is not a Father , and we are not his Children ; and uses the story of Adam who was a son of God , AS JUSTIFICATION . This is what I mean, the Muslims stumble and always will be at the bottom of world religions, as long as they deny the Fatherhood of God to his children ; they look to the world backwards when they accept the brotherhood of men while they steadfastly refuse the Fatherhood of God. The stories of Jesus are so far from accurate it hurts to read. I had no idea that the Koran had such a different story of Jesus than the Christians , not that the Christians have done much good with his teachings. Jesus in the Koran is using what all the messengers of Islam unfortunately use . Fear to win people over , Fear to bring men to God , . Jesus never used Fear as a religious Motivator and yet his followers use Fear just the same as the Muslims do. Jesus used Love and Goodness of God to win people over to the Fathers Family. The stories of Abraham are so distorted , and Moses, Noah, and so many more . The Islamic world is so far behind (Revealed religion)of a( Loving God) that the author continously says God is (often Merciful); they wont dare say He is (Merciful always). The Islamic Children it seems will continue to prefer the childlike thoughts the past about God and his will, Like the Christians they are marred in fear and shame , and continue to hold tight ,(not the love of God but the Love of a book about God ) .And again the Christians follow this old road of( satan’s design) just the same . Satan smiles when we fight over perfect books about God, he is so glad the Muslims wont give a thought to being Gods Children , he smiles even more when the Christians make Jesus a westernized , theological shadow of who he really was and still is , and he smiles big as these two World Religions quibble and resent EACH other. The Islamic world shall be Baptized with the True GOSPEL of Jesus ; I read in the Koran how Jesus brought us the Gospel, this is all true ; (WE ARE ALL GODS CHILDREN )AND TO KNOW GOD IS TO KNOW JESUS, TO KNOW JESUS IS TO KNOW GOD ,( the GOSPEL HE REPRESENTED THE FATHERS LOVE TO THE WORLDS ). And the Christians don’t follow him , no they have ( other news )of attornment doctrines and so called original sins , the Muslims have no where to look it seems for the True Gospel of Jesus. And if they were to go search out for Jesus , would they be considered traitors to Islam , does the truth suffer from honest examination ; is their freedom in slavery to God. NOW MEASURE HOW YOU LOVE TO PLEASE YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER , IF YOU CAN ; MULTIPLY THAT BY INFINITY, NOW DIVIDE IT BY ETERNITY AND STILL WE COULDNT FATHOM THE LOVE OUR FATHERS PRESENCE IN US HAS FOR US . WHICH IS GREATER, A FATHER’ S LOVE OR A MASTERS LOVE. If any Christian or Muslim or any other world religion devote only had the { Freedom to Examine the Truth } ; many would not see as they do now ,THEY WOULD CHANGE THEIR MINDS, many would see that it is the (Spirit of God in all Mens Heart that leads us) . I wish , to God , that we could all see what I see , I would have it that all Men are my Brothers and Sisters, and Kindness and Mercy should determine our conduct and Justice would be at the Gate. I look forward to Judgment , for I have followed the (Heart of God) (with all my soul), I have said the unsayable to all Believers in God , the Truth with the Grace of God at my back, and many will say I will burn for it; I have a (honest question) for all those who think this of me ; WOULD YOU SEND YOUR CHILDREN TO BURN ETERNALY ? AND SO IT IS GIVEN TO THE MUSLAMS THIS DAY A (NEW MESSEGE) ; AND AS THE KORAN SAYS WITH ALL (MESSENGERS )COMES A (BOOK). TO ALL THE (HONEST SOULS OF ISLAM) , IT IS REVEALED TO YOU THIS DAY THE (URANTIA BOOK) . IF YOU DONT GO AND SEE , AT JUDGMENT YOU WILL BE TOLD IT WAS OFFERED YOU IN THE FLESH AND YOU STEADFASTLY REFUSED. THE URANTIA BOOK IS NOT PERFECT BUT ITS THE CLOSEST ONE , AND WAS AUTHORIZED BY( GABRIAL HIMSELF.) And how could this address be complete without mentioning the Prophet Mohammed ; he was a man like me, Dedicated to Knowing God , he did write many things about God that are Holy and True, but his words are not perfect and many of his ideas were his own. he formed a New Religion out of two old ones mixed with tribal relics from ancient times. We do well to (follow his heart) , not so much his teachings that stray from the perfection of God. God is perfect , no doubt , and all his commands of not to sin ,as God tells us not to do ,( he does not.) this perfection stands the test of all prophets , all but one knew this ,Jesus,the few times he uttered in the Bible phrases of Gods vengeance and the fire of eternal hell was added after the fact by Theology of yesterday.In fact Jesus never once ever mentioned God any less than a Loving ,Merciful Father .In seems the (Muslim children follow the words of the Koran over all else )and they consider that (submission to the will of God),and what a Mistake they (unknowingly ) they choose. God is Less than Loving in this version of Islam . I know of what I speak for I have read it all. studying it still, daily to understand and( assimilate) all that is worth while, which is ironically ( a lot more than most know about) . The world is waiting for these Truths to come with out the political entanglement of ( Religious Traditions) , and how could the world even notice where the Muslims are right , how could even honest men see the Allah one God with all the errors of (broken theocracy ) combined with the First Source and Center of Time and Space. The Christians share this( Super Error) , and thats why I’m here, as a Spokesman for Allah the Creator Father of All. ( Love is opposite of Fear ), Revenge , Anger, Hate , War, all these Sins are God in Mans Image. [TO SUBMIT TO GOD] IS TO {LOVE GOD WITH ALL ONES HEART} , {MIND , BODY , AND SOUL}, AND TO {LOVE YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS BECAUSE ALHA LIVES IN THEM}, AND {RESPECT YOUR SELF AS ALHAS CHILD IN WHO HE LOVES WITH AN INFINITE LOVE} .YES THIS HIS WILL THAT MAKES US ALL SPIRITUAL BROTHERS INSTEAD OF BLOOD BROTHERS . 1 out every 5 in the world at this time ARE Muslim ; who will be the first Prophet to Rebuke the idea that there cant be NEW PROPHETS, who is brave enough to follow the Spirit of God where ever it takes them. it shall come to pass that they shall come .YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! THIS IS THE WATCHWORD OF THE KORAN,TO WARN , I RICHARD STINSON , SON OF RONNIE , BROTHER OF JESUS , SON OF ALLAH ,TELL YOU HIS WORDS THIS DAY, AND SHOW YOU FIRST HAND THE SO CALLED IMPOSSIABLE (TO RECREATE A NEW SURA OF GODS WILL TO DUPLICATE THE POETIC STRAINS OF BEAUTY IN THE KORAN , SO JUST AS MOHAMED , I HAVE NO FORMAL EDUCATION IN ANY THELOGICAL SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT . MY GOD TELLS ME , SHOWS ME , TEACHES ME , REHEARSES ME FOR HIS SPLENDOR ALONE . AND THOUGH I AM (SO FAR FROM PERFECTION) , HE STILL CHOSE ME TO BE( HIS SPOKESMAN TO THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD .AND SO IT IS , NO MATTER THE COSTS TO ME , I WILL FULFILL MY MISSION AS A MESSENGER OF HIS LIVING WORD, ALHA BEING REVEALED AS A FATHER TO ALL NATIONS. IT IS NOT REQUIRED OF MEN TO GIVE UP THEIR TRADITIONS OF RELIGIOUS PREFERENCE , BUT JUDGMENT IS GODS PEROGATIVES NOT MANS , WE CAN SHARE DIFFERENT BELIEFS ABOUT ALHA IF WE SHARE THE SAME GOALS AND VALUES OF ALHA, AND THIS CAN ONLY HAPPEN BY WAY OF FATHERHOOD ; YES , PEACE BE UPON ALL GODS CHILDREN. If Islam is about Justice surly , surly their can be no greater Justice than the Love of Father for his Children. Islam will survive the test of time , but will change her mind and even lead the whole world to witness the great resurrection day to come and fire will come down from heaven and all men will know the Lord , what will we say when the accounting is called , will we say we were not warned , not told of the consequences of rejecting the Living way , the torch of peace has roots in Gods will, we have to water our souls with his Love to stand before him . the scales will weigh us all , (if we did not love) and blamed in on our Lord it was be held against us . The punishment is repentance or annihilation . God is not mocked , he is ruthless with sin ,intolerable with iniquity ; and that includes those who claim his name and lead others into the darkness of hate and revenge . This is the shadow of the Almighty’s hand at work, making a way to to peoples hearts , removing barriers , offering PEACE ON EARTH , AND THOUGH IT SHALL TAKE GENERATIONS , FOUNDATIONS MUST BE LAYED THESE DAYS . (Peace becomes us) (who serve) the( One True God). Earth Fathers can be cruel but no longer can they use Allah Name to do it . Even if your earth mother and father abused the sacred trust of( Parent hood ), you should not deny your (Prophet hood ) in the (Sonship of Man). Morality screams in Spirit for wisdom to have a chance . More men die searching for the very God who lives in them than all those who claim to be found; the religion of (Holy Perfect Books is revealed as the will of men). All men will bow to the (Allah) (,THE FATHER OF FATHERS TO ALL MEN , ALL GENERATIONS , ALL TIMES ,ALL PLACES ,ALL REALITIES , HEAVEN AND PARADISE BEYOND.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 01:32:00 +0000

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