A light-hearted Friday post...See Page 1,274 of The Instructors - TopicsExpress


A light-hearted Friday post...See Page 1,274 of The Instructors Manual...: Go The Extra Mile for your Members ;-) - on my 2 year anniversary of teaching, too! The Scene: Last night, class just about to start. One of the regulars comes up looking stressed, she appears oddly half-changed into her kit… Member: Caroline, are you OK with spiders? Me: Yes, why? Member: Some of us in the changing room want to come into your class but we can’t because there is a spider by our lockers [most of the members have permanent lockers], can you come and move it? Me: Sure, no problem. [hesitates] Erm, how big is it? Member [breathlessly]: It’s absolutely massive Clearly I couldn’t let a mere spider make a dent in my class numbers, so I grabbed a piece of paper, planning to use it as leverage if the spider was the expected size of a tarantula and followed her into the changing room. My gaze followed her quivering finger, pointing to a spider roughly the size of my thumbnail….3 other members were sort of cowering against the wall. Me [winking mischievously]: If I sort out the spider [grin], how about you say to reception later you liked my class, do we have a deal? I think they would have agreed to anything... as I picked it up there were shrieks of terror and as I left, carrying the poor spider, other members in my path scattered like the parting of the red sea. Another instructor said ‘You’re not going to kill it are you, I’m a vegan’ (of course not!). I took the spider to the club doors and released it (hopefully it was not crushed under the wheels of all the cyclist commuters leaving the club at that time). Made it back into the studio just in time for start of class, good thing everything was already teed up and ready to go! Not sure if the 4 members came good with their part of the deal though, mmmm ;-)
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 08:37:26 +0000

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