A little Christmas encouragement to a farm that works towards an - TopicsExpress


A little Christmas encouragement to a farm that works towards an ecological balanced approach. This Vegan movement (detactched from millennia of natural relationships, directed squared an attack on Taranaki Farm. A farm that seeks to live in symbiosis by mimicking natural systems with a care-taking approach to land stewardship. Conversation as follow... Blinky Will — Giving us a 1 Star Review There is no reason for any person to eat eggs. Free range or not, the chickens are still killed at an early age and all the male chicks are killed soon after birth. This is a horrifically cruel industry.For anyone who isnt aware of the practices employed by all egg farmers, Google Male Chicks Ground Alive. Taranaki Farm - theconversation/ordering-the-vegetarian-meal... Ordering the vegetarian meal? Theres more animal blood on your hands The ethics of eating red meat have been grilled... Taranaki Farm - At least 100 mice are killed per hectare per year (500/4 × 0.8) to grow grain. Average yields are about 1.4 tonnes of wheat/hectare; 13% of the wheat is useable protein. Therefore, at least 55 sentient animals die to produce 100kg of useable plant protein: 25 times more than for the same amount of rangelands beef. Taranaki Farm - There is a lot more to the story than meets the eye Blinky Will. Especially for those who produce food for you to eat and without doubt the most destructive form of agriculture is monoculture cereal crops (which form the basis of a vegan diet) - unless of course your grow all of our own food? Are you a farmer? Taranaki Farm - If youre curious as to how we farm, Im MORE than pleased to introduce you to our methods - which are grounded in ecological principles and environmentally enhancing methods. Blinky Will - As a vegan of 24 years I have seen my fair share of traffic-driven DRIVEL articles such as the poorly constructed one you have posted, that particular article has had every point in it debunked hundreds of times over, here are a few basic examples: theflamingvegan/.../Vegan-Mythbusting-1... theconversation/vegetarians-cause... teamearthling/.../responses-to-mike... The basis of a vegan diet is not as you suggest monoculture cereal crops and I am unsure as to how you make such an unsubstantiated assumption. As someone who knows hundreds of vegans I know this is rarely the case for any, this is more often the case for vegetarians and meat-eaters who add substantial amounts of grain based food to their diets, not to mention the grain used to produce the non-vegan foods they consume. Oddly enough you have chosen to not respond to the fact that you do have male chicks killed at birth and the laying hens killed at approximately 18 months (Taranaki Farm - NOT TRUE - WE OFFER THEM AS BACKYARD HEN), much sooner than their natural life expectancy. The ethics of raising animals for a profit are non-existent. I find it ridiculous that you fail to mention anything about the lives of the animals involved, you simply choose to feed your NAIVE customers the ludicrous lines about ecological principles and environmentally enhancing methods. To be ecologically sound and environmentally astute, using animals is the least effective method available. (Taranaki Farm - Yet animals are the very source of all soil building and fertilisation - as has been the case since the very beginning) Vegan Mythbusting #1: Are Wild Animals Killed When Grain is... As a vegan, I’ve often heard the refrain that... THEFLAMINGVEGAN.COM Brian Champ - I have to side with blinky will on this one. The idea that directly exploiting and slaughtering animals is somehow a humane food option is as farcical as it sounds when you look in to it. It is clearly just an silly argument put forward to impress those who dont read past the headlines, and in the end dont want to know the truth anyway. It is a fact that the most humane choice is always going to be one that does not directly and intentionally exploit and kill animals Taranaki Farm - Again Brian Champ, are you farming. Do you supply food to people. Do you regenerate the eco-system. Does every bite you take stem from your own labour? Are you contributing to the question how do we feed ourselves? Do you have dirt under your nails? When did you last make a harvest vegan or not that supported your community? Brian Champ - I think what you are saying is that unless I have it all worked out, I should not speak up for the billions of exploited animals that suffer because humans have a lust for animal products. I do get your point, but see great parallels with other gross injustices perpetuated by us humans in the name of humanity. One glaring example was the hundreds of years that keeping slaves was the only foreseeable way to keep the USA economy running. No doubt people spoke out about how wrong this was and the answers were basically the same ones we get today in defence of the exploitation of animals. Theyre only animals, the economy will grind to halt, we treat our slaves humanely, jobs, whats your solution etc etc. My point is that it is immoral to treat other people and other animals that way, so we must find another way. What is the point of civilisation if we dont identify immorality and remove it wherever we can. For the record, I dont blame honest suppliers, they are only meeting a consumer demand. I see change coming from the consumer as they learn the truth and think more about the justifications for treating animals this way. Many will hold on to the narrow view that humans are special and can do what they like to other animals in the name of feeding themselves, regardless of the suffering caused. But millions of others are realising that attitude is indefensible and voting with their choices. . Just be aware that I predict one day soon businesses that exploit animals for profit will be on the fringe. Finally FYI, my father was a senior scientist whose career was spent researching how to get more productivity out of farm animals. He was a great friend to the farmers. My brother was a dairy farmer and later went in to turkey farming. I spent long summers working on the farms and got to see how it all works and yes I got very dirty. My family and i are still on good terms but they know my view and desire is that one day exploitation of animals will be seen for what it is. Blinky Will - I am wanting to know why if you *are* farming animals it is then the only option of defence to question why others arent farming? Perhaps more the question you could ask yourself is Is there a better way *I* could be farming?. Simply because you are doing something, doesnt mean you are doing the right thing. Kris Ingram - What has whether those who chose not to exploit animals are farmers got to do with anything? Is an opinion, and the passing on of facts, not relevant unless the person who states them have dirt under their nails? How strange. You expect them to say no so you can use that do invalidate their observations and knowledge. As an aside, many of the vegans I know have more knowledge of farming practises than many of the farmers I know. Where are your hens brothers? Kerrie LovesPigs Wilkinson - This farm seems to be avoiding the question of what happens to the male chicks..
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 01:02:16 +0000

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