*** A little bit about me*** :) I get asked a lot about my - TopicsExpress


*** A little bit about me*** :) I get asked a lot about my journey, how Ive managed to lose so much? What did I do? What do I eat? What excerise do I do? What help keeps me motivated? Well... Im about to tell you all now how it started and how I got where I am today :) First off, I was born in Moruya hospital weighing in at 13.2 pounds and was a prem! (So as you can imagine Ive never had the opportunity at a small life) Ive battled with weight issues my whole life and been trying to lose weight ever since I was 7 years old. By the age of 9 I was wearing size 16-18 clothes and couldnt even fit into my primary school uniform (alot of my clothes have been custom made as I was always the biggest kid in my entire schools) When I turned 12, my mother (who is also a bigger woman) and I decided to join our local gym. We met a lovely lady who wanted to take our measurements and weight (Id never been measured or hopped on a scale before) I had my measurements taken then hopped on the scale, thinking I would weight no more than 80 kgs. ... The reading showed 126kgs! Just 12 years old and I weighed more than my mother! After that I went into a severe case of depression and refused to go out anywhere where I would be called fat or be judge. Many years passed and I was a well known target to bullies of all ages. Even my old best friend turned on me and called me horrible names and said to people I cant believe I was friends with THAT! god shes gotten f***ing fat!.... I hated my life.. I hated who I was... Until I met my best friend, Jess. She took me in and showed me that not everyone was cruel and heartless. She always stood up for me when i was attacked at school and after a while I found my own courage to stand up for myself and tell them where to shove it. At my 16th birthday I set goals for myself to lose weight and look great for my 18th... Didnt happen.. On my 18th (even though I felt disgusting), I made new goals to look good for my 21st.. Didnt happen.. On my 21st I found the courage and reweighed myself again. .. The scales read 159.9kgs! Only 21 years old and weighing 160kgs? How could I let myself get like this? In 2012, The Biggest Loser couple edition where looking for new entries for their TV series. So, I applied along with my mum. We passed the video interview and went on to doing a health check (only a short list got through to the medical test) After completing it on time, we waited... and waited... and waited... My friends that applied heard, but we still had heard nothing. I emailed the biggest loser and received an email saying thankyou for your patience, you are in the short list, we will get in touch as soon as we can After 2 weeks of intense waiting I got a phone call from an apologetic lady Im so sorry Belinda I tried everything to get you on as youre story moved us but unfortunately you have misses our by one spot and will be next In line if someone pulls out I was excited but upset at the same time as it killed me knowing I missed out by only one spot. I had my hopes up, hoping someone would pull out so we could go... but no one did. Thats when I decided I would do this myself, outside the biggest loser house. After trying every diet in the book, personal training, liquid diets, diet pills, you name it, I couldnt seem to lose weight to save me. I gave in and went back in for another medical test and the results came back... I suffer from thyroid problem. I applied for numerous jobs but got turned down due to my size :( I was running out of options and depression was taking its toll. I had give up. Nothing I did would help me lose weight. I thought to myself I was born fat, Im gonna die fat.. But then mum said to me there has to be something out there that can help us She made some phone calls and decided perhaps a gastric band may be an option. So in 2013, I went and met Dr Anthony Clough at Epworth Hospital in Melbourne and talked about the possibility of having a band done. He then suggested having the gastric bypass surgery. I didnt want to to start with. The thought of surgery freaked me out and after reading up on the gastric bypass surgery it scared the life out of me but I put all my trust into your doctor and decided to listen to him and go ahead with the surgery. On the 22nd of July, I underwent the gastric bypass surgery and had an amazing speedy recovery. I honestly did not feel a thing through my recovery. The only thing that was uncomfortable or slightly painful was all the gas that got pumped into me Since surgery Ive had to change ALOT of my lifestyle habits. People say having weightloss surgery is the easy way out But trust me ITS NOT! The things you have to change just so your not sick or stomach your food is scary. A few weeks after been able to eat solids again I scoffed down some chicken and ended up throwing it straight back up. I can no longer drink fizzy drinks, I cant eat too much foods that have too much sugars or fats or I get what they call dumping syndrome (dont know what it is, Google it, lol trust me its not fun haha) And also became lactose intolerant. Also even though Ive had surgery, doesnt mean its gonna make me lose weight at a click of a finger. Its not a magic worker. Its there to aid you where it comes to portion eating (even though if your not careful you can over eat and undo everythings that been done and the surgery is pointless) Also if you eat unhealthy, you will not lose weight you WILL gain it. It all comes down to healthy eating and excerise! My excerise routine IS ALOT of walking, riding horses, cleaning stables, lifting hay and feed, gym, swimming, jogging... I live a very active life and without being as active as I am, I would not have lost as much as I have. My motivation is once I reach goal (skin surgery is an option if needed mid-late next year) And I will go back to Queensland and enjoy everything I wasnt able to when I was bigger, such as going back to the theme parks and riding the rides I was kicked off as I was too big for them. So basically how Ive achieved my results is a huge change of diet (I was a huge fast food fan once upon a time) Now I dont drink fizzy, rarely eat take out and eat plenty fruit, veg and lean meats. Watch portion sizes. Im active all day everyday. Im always outside doing something, definitely helps if you are a bored eater like I am (yes I still boredom eat even after surgery) as I said, surgery is an aid not a miracle worker And stay motivated. Your results may not be instant, but they will come! If I can do this, so can you! Im aiming to lose a total of 83kgs even with a thyroid problem, I know its achievable and I will prove it to you all :) ♡ Xx
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 04:27:52 +0000

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