A little over a year ago I adopted Polly (Polly Amelia Sunset) - TopicsExpress


A little over a year ago I adopted Polly (Polly Amelia Sunset) from Joyful Rescues. Polly was rescued from a puppy mill and had a variety of health and behavioral issues. During the last year, I had her remaining teeth removed because she was clearly in pain. She also had irritable bowel syndrome and lost an extreme amount of weight. All of these have been taken care of. Then she became afflicted with seizures late this summer, but those have now been brought under control. She also exhibited the typical puppy mill breeder dog issues when I first brought her home, including extreme fear and timidity. Without going through all the details, I am happy to report that she is not that dog anymore. While she still easily startles, she is very content, and much more confident. So much so that she is no longer terrified by new environments. She travels with me to Canada frequently, and this weekend, she went to Niagara Falls for the first time in her new human backpack. Occasionally she expresses joy and runs in the yard, only to stop with her face down and butt up wanting to be chased. In the New Year I hope to see her little tail wag, but everything is at her pace. Happy New Year
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 13:29:04 +0000

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