A little over one year ago, I remarked to an old friend of mine - TopicsExpress


A little over one year ago, I remarked to an old friend of mine how I tend to be attracted to intelligent and knowledgeable men. The friend who understands me well, said that I am attracted by them because I am smart myself. A light-bulb turned on in my head on hearing that. I knew my friend was right about me, just that I never made a conscious note to gravitate towards smart men. It’s something that happens naturally. Upon further reflection, I realized that I have been attracted to people with broad minds, worldly intellectuals who are willing to share their knowledge and wisdom with me, who are willing to guide and mentor me. I suppose, they too, recognized my thirst for knowledge and understanding, which made them willing teachers. To this day, I can still remember who were the ones that nurtured me in specific subjects. For example: life sciences and human genetics, writing and publishing, politics and economics, ethics and philosophy, web programming and maintenance, finance and business, et cetera. I am the sort of person who naturally craves for knowledge to empower myself. When I make a decision to commit in something, I consider the long-term benefits. Knowledge and understanding lead to a higher level of awareness. A higher level of awareness leads to self-empowerment. Self-empowerment improves my life in the long-term. Self-empowerment stays with me for the rest of my life through thick and thin. This also means that I am aware when a commitment only brings temporary, short-term gratification. For instance, when I decide whether to take up a joint business venture, I look at my potential partner’s character. Is this person aware of the factors that can influence the business’ progress and is he transparent about them? Or is he someone who chooses to only talk about the good things and sweep the not-so-good things under the carpet? If he is the latter, then I can’t trust him with the business in the long-term. I suppose we can call that his level of integrity. I consider a person’s integrity by looking at how honest and transparent he is. People can en masse a great amount of knowledge, but without honesty and transparency, they cannot be wise. They will constantly be in self-denial, unwilling to learn or correct themselves. So, when you consider taking up a new business venture but unsure of which to choose, I would advise you to analyze and consider the person making the business proposition to you. Don’t just look at whether the business plan is attractive or whether it’s something you can do. More important than these, you need to first consider the person’s integrity – his level of honesty and transparency – for these factors are hints to whether he is wise. It’s little use if your business partner isn’t wise. For a business or any other kind of projects to be sustainable and growing, you need people of wisdom running it. One year ago in June 2012, I made an important decision to take up a new business venture after getting to know one leader in the group who is all that I have described of a wise and trustworthy person, who is willing to enlighten me about world affairs. You will understand better what I mean by reading the information below. We are organizing a 3-day leadership camp in Bandung, Indonesia, this September 2013. I would like to invite you to come along, to learn together with me. If you register yourself before 1st July 2013, you will qualify for the early bird price which is an RM100 discount off the full camp fees. Just get in touch with me by email (yvonnefmn@gmail) soonest possible. Dream Achievers Leadership Camp 20th – 22nd September 2013 Bandung, Indonesia Camp Highlights The annual Dream Achievers leadership camp has three missions – 1) To foster teamwork and personal leadership – so that individuals may learn to be cooperative and initiative members of their team in accomplishing a common goal together through experiential learning, to be their own leader. 2) To stimulate every participants’ individual dreams and personal life aspirations – Participants shall be motivated to be more than they can be, to reach higher in life than where they currently are, to be a better version of themselves. 3) To equip participants with economic empowerment tools – Mr. Perminderjit Singh is a former Maxis Project manager who ventured into business and made himself a millionaire early in life. Now blissfully retired in Australia, he continues to coach others in areas of world economics and finance so that they may be prepared to sail through rough waters. At this upcoming camp in Bandung, Mr. Perm will be discussing about the current economic crisis in China where companies and businesses fail to repay their bank loans, leading to China’s biggest debt crisis ever. This has sparked a chain effect throughout the world, particularly countries that have been supplying China with raw materials such as Malaysia. Major corporations have started to retrench their employees by mass numbers. The chain effect that impacts numerous industries will only continue and worsen into 2014. Are you prepared to face this crisis? Mr. Perm will equip you with the knowledge and tools to safeguard yourself financially at this Bandung camp. To register, simply fill out the accompanying form and submit it along with an RM100 deposit by 30th June 2013. Those who register before 30th June will qualify for the early bird price. Early bird: RM500.00 (Before 1st July 2013. Balance by 31st July) Regular price: RM 650.00 (after 1st July 2013) The camp fee covers two nights of lodging in a 4-star hotel, food and activity materials. Travel to and fro Bandung is to be arranged by individual campers themselves as participants come from various international locations. Additionally, campers may choose to stay an extra night on their own budget to shop and explore Bandung, the capital city of West Java province, Indonesia! Interested? Get in touch with me. yvonnefmn@gmail
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 03:35:57 +0000

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