A lot of folks arent aware that during Christmas Eve in the middle - TopicsExpress


A lot of folks arent aware that during Christmas Eve in the middle of World War I in the year 1914, all along the muddy, wet and flooded trenches between the lines of the Germans and the English, both sides spontaneously reached out to each other in brotherhood and declared an unofficial truce to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. All through the night the men sang songs, exchanged food and drink and gave up the violence of war to come together in brotherhood and peace. Silent Night was one of those songs sung with the Germans singing in German and the English in English. Men are capable of such evil things, but at times, when families and loved ones are missed and melancholy is especially strong, men will put down their arms in the name of Jesus Christ and stop the violence and killing. Imagine, there are Liberals and Socialists and Communists who seriously have us abandon God when we need him the most. The times we live in now will require man to once again permit God back into their hearts, because there is a higher power in this universe no matter who would deny his existence in order to further their political agenda. I do not mean to say that those who we consider our enemy are the only ones guilty of this. In order for us to regain our Republic, we must allow God back into our hearts and minds and understand that there is a higher power in this universe than man and one day we will all be called upon to give an account of the lives we have lived on this planet. As President I will restore the annual prayer breakfast that Obama abolished, the Oath of Office will only be taken on the Holy Bible, there will be a national Christmas Tree on the White House grounds again, crosses will be allowed in public buildings once again, the Ten Commandments will be chiseled in the granite of our courthouses once again and the People of the United States will once again be allowed to worship who they want and how they want as long as they understand that we live in a nation founded upon Judeo Christian principles. By abandoning those principles and God given truths, we have fallen over the edge and into the abyss of evil. Our first Amendment allows all Americans to have the right to free speech and the free exercise thereof. However, radical fundamentalist leaders, Hell bent on the destruction of the United States and the implementation of a foreign religion that has the dual process of acting as the law of the land and a State religion, will not be permitted. However the free exercise of all religions will be allowed as long as there is no attempt to supersede the Constitution of the United States with the religious law of any law, and in these times, especially Sharia Law. If anything, this will be more than enough of an excuse to deny the practice of the Islamic religion if they insist upon destroying this nations long history of being a Christian nation based upon the idea that the law emanates from the Constitution and the Constitution alone and not of that of a theocracy or foreign religion. After all, our founding fathers never intended that we should divorce ourselves from our heavenly creator. What they intended was that we would never become a nation where religious law took the place of secular law, and as President, I will see that the two are forever separate but in no way banished from our American way of life and the code that this nation conducts itself upon.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 01:49:45 +0000

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