A lot of people in this world try to convince you of what is good - TopicsExpress


A lot of people in this world try to convince you of what is good or bad or right or wrong or moral: Be loyal to your your pack. Hold your cards close to you. You gotta be in it for yourself, coz no one else is, Always side with the woman before the man, Stop giving so-and-so the time of day because she dissed this thing I did, You need to like so-and-so because he is for cheap housing and free beef patties for everyone, Even though so-and-so is a sadist, she slept in a cardboard box and is also a survivor of abuse so you should buy her book, etc. etc. etc. etc...there are so many gray areas, I swear that the entire world looks gray after a while. Oh wait, it is! Everything is RELATIVE. I cannot be held accountable for who I am loyal to -- only how I treat people when they are in need, when they are real, are physical, right in front of me. Sometimes Im rotten at this, too. I can get flustered or overwhelmed, especially by people who need too much all at once. Instead of the ethical me I want to project, you can get some sort of malfunctioning yet smiling dolly instead. I only have one life to give, and most of it (since I am halfway through it) must be given to myself. Sometimes I just follow my curiosity down aberrant paths in this reality, and in these moments, no one is going to be pleased but me and me alone. (Or maybe one or two other participants, you never know!) So here it is, my ethics in a nutshell: A lot of things in this life are not fair. I dont want to add to the unfairness of our reality. If anything, I hope to alleviate it, in brief, and perhaps ultimately forgotten moments. Oh, and I love small and delicate animals. I even love large and delicate elephants. Caterpillars. Earthworms. Ceramic cat figurines. They get my vote, too.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 03:32:15 +0000

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