A lot of times; we live from day to day and when things happen - TopicsExpress


A lot of times; we live from day to day and when things happen that we don’t like we say, “Why did this happen?” we look at the news and we see seemingly innocent people suffer and we are torn; some are thankful that it wasn’t them; others say pray for those who are suffering and show some sympathy for the suffer; but then others limit the terms of this world to the confines of their own existence and say with a degree of flagrant pride, “How can a loving God let this happen?” I say flagrant pride because they really don’t mean to be prideful in most cases when they say this; they merely don’t understand why evil is allowed to take place and they think that their understanding determines what should always happen for every person on the planet at that particular moment for it is said out of pain and emotion; it is a natural human response. However let us ask the question and seek for the answers to why evil is allowed to happen or even why things we don’t like are allow to happen? We have all asked similar questions like these from time to time and if we haven’t then we are more fortunate then most. To answer these questions we must understand hierarchy. In the United States as well as those of you in France; that is a bit harder than we realize because these nations don’t have kings but elected official however France use to have a king and England still has a king or queen so I will use these two nations as an example to bring truth to us all in a quick way so follow me. On 14 October 1066 an event took place in history called the Norman invasion. What took place around this event was that the title of the King of England was in dispute; the king of England at that time was King Harold but a duke in France named Duke William believed he was the rightful king and the two went to war. Now, to make the example easier to follow what happened was that Duke William went to war and defeated King Harold at the Battle of Hastings and as a result Duke William became the King of England; however even though he was William was a king in England he in fact was only a duke; in fact he was the Duke of Normandy and he himself had to answer to the King of France. So let me make this easier for you to follow; all people in England had to obey William as their king but William had to obey the King of France who was Phillip 1st for that king was over him. In short France ruled over England and would rule over England for over 200 years; technically England was apart of France. Now what does this have to do with suffering in this world we live in? Well, let’s see because we are in the same situation. We live in a situation where we all live under a king however we also live under a rebellious duke or prince that is over us immediately. We have a God who reigns over all as king 1st Chronicles 16:30-33 Psalms 47:7 Psalms 24:1-3 However under the Lord we have a rebellious prince named the Satan who has invaded all creation with evil Genesis 3 and especially Ephesians 2:2 It is this rebellious prince who uses the airwaves of the news at times, of music, or movies, or anything in the airwaves to condition the minds of individuals to do things that hurt people. Just thing, have you ever had someone who was jealous of you for no reason? If so then why were they jealous of you? Did you do anything to them? Probably not and if you did it may have not been done intentionally because if it was then they would have a reason to be jealous! No, the real reason why just things happen is because Satan uses people to spread negative influences so that others may not like you or may even hate you without having a reason! They may not like how you look even though they have no control of how you look; they aren’t your parents! They may not like how you dress even though they aren’t responsible for buying your clothes! Yet, deep in their minds they hear a voice or may have heard from the friend who may be jealous of you about a negative thing; they’re minds may have brought into that negative thing; and it affects their souls so much that is slowly eats them alive from the inside. In some cases because there are souls have been turned to hate you over jealousy they may be driven to act on there hate! This is why people are robbed or murdered! It’s not just a crime of murder or jealous but something as sick as rape or immorality; both have to do with pride. Both have to do with the belief that individuals feel they have the right to do an action and it doesn’t matter how others feel about it; they want what they want even if they have to destroy lives or even the whole of society to get what they want. It comes from the voices of darkness; the Satan; the prince of the power of the air who uses the airwaves and push any message that is against the God who is king over all including him. You have to understand the role of Satan not only in his title but in his anger; he is under the control of God; yet he is jealous of God and wants to replace the Lord but he can’t do that so he boils in his bitterness and plots to do everything he can to usurp the commandments of God in the world we live in by misinformation. He does this because he knows that since he has limited authority over the world he can try to consolidate his forces as he tries to rebel and we live in the middle of this unseen conflict; yet we see the results everyday on the news in a multitude or ways. This is especially true when people stand up for what God calls correct or right; the rebellious prince of darkness then makes a point to come after the Christian because you represent God; the true king; the authority he is under and doesn’t like. I remember when I was young there was this movie called Fort Apache, the Bronx; and it was about criminals laying siege to a police precinct. Christians we are that police precinct! We are that police precinct that the rebellious criminal of righteousness lays siege to every day. As I close allow me to go back to my earlier example about England and France; for those of my friends in England and France; or anyone who has been to London; if you ever go to London’s east side you have a famous castle called the Tower of London. The Tower of London is a castle that was built by William; the French duke who conquered England; it was built to be a French castle in the heart of England with the purpose of showing the English that no matter what they thought; they were under control of the French king. As a matter of fact I’ll give you a fun fact here; have you ever heard of Robin Hood? You know, the one who stole from the rich and gave to the poor? Well, the real Robin Hood didn’t do that; he was really a English guerilla fighter who fought against the French rulers; he would attack the supply lines of the local ruler who was the Sheriff of Nottingham who was a French nobleman and King John was also John the French Duke of Normandy! Likewise we live as representatives of a king who is in control of all the earth but that doesn’t mean we aren’t attacked at times by rebellious guerillas. Every Christian in this world is like the Tower of London; we exist and we represent the King of Kings; even if the world is waging a guerilla war against God; everyone who puts there trust in Jesus is in fact a castle that represents the true authority of God; and that authority will not be wiped away. No matter what you hear; whether its true or untrue; no matter what you see; remember who is in control.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 23:19:55 +0000

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