A man shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth: but the soul of - TopicsExpress


A man shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth: but the soul of the transgressors shall eat violence. Proverb 13:2 Speech determines success. Good words bring blessing and favor. Wicked talk brings pain and destruction. Your mouth has much potential for good or evil in business or relationships. If you think you can talk any way you wish, you are going down, soon. What a simple way to advance! What an easy rule for success! God inspired Solomon to tell you a secret about life – gracious words will get you ahead; cruel or foolish speech will bring your ruin. You can change your life for the better today by ruling your tongue. How did Joseph go from prison to throne? By speech that showed his excellent spirit (Gen 41:38-45). How did David get promoted from sheepfold to the king’s favorite? By gracious speech (I Sam 18:1-5). How did Daniel rule in Babylon with many kings? By an excellent spirit and speech (Dan 6:1-3). The rule is easy – gracious speech will win even kings (Pr 22:11). If no one has recently commended your speech, you need the proverb! Your speech can bring good to your life, or it can bring violence. God and good men love those who speak well, but they despise those who speak wickedly. Your mouth is not your own, no matter what your deceitful heart says (Ps 12:4; Jer 17:9). “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof” (Pr 18:21). Speech is that important – death or life! Use it or abuse it to your profit or punishment! Your speech will bring either good or violence to your soul and your life (Pr 12:14; 13:3; 18:20). Good words earn the blessings and favor of God and good men (Pr 15:23; 22:11; 24:26), for good words prove a good heart (Matt 12:34-37; Jas 3:8-12). Evil speech incurs the wrath and judgment of God and men (Pr 18:6; 22:10; Ps 52:1-5; 140:11), for evil speech proves a contrary and wicked heart (Matt 12:34-37; Jas 3:8-12). Consider eight kinds of speech. A godly man never spreads damaging reports about others, slanders them, or backbites. Charity and mercy are in his mouth (Pr 17:9; 31:26; Ec 10:12). But a wicked man sins against others by backbiting, slander, talebearing, and whispering, all of which God and good men hate (Pr 6:16-19; 10:18; 16:28; 25:23). A noble man always respects authority, giving honor where honor is due, and a godly woman always reverences her husband, even calling him lord (Rom 13:7; Eph 5:33; I Pet 2:17; 3:6). But an evil man boldly criticizes rulers and rails on them, like a brute and ignorant beast, whom the Bible says should be destroyed (Jude 1:8-10; II Pet 2:10-12).
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 13:51:59 +0000

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