A man who wanted to try out how committing suicide was went into a - TopicsExpress


A man who wanted to try out how committing suicide was went into a forest wit a thread. when he reached the forest he saw a cassava plant and he tied the thread to a branch of the cassava. as he was about to put his neck in the loop a farmer approached him and asked him what he was doing and this was what ensured; man:cant you see that i am about to commit suicide farmer:oh! i see then i want to help you . this cassava branch would break and this thread will tear so you take the rope. the man took the rope and the farmer pointed to at all mango tree with many branches and told the man ;HUNG yourself there then .the man said do you want me to die.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 18:55:00 +0000

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