A message from God to you. Stand Up for What You Believe in. But - TopicsExpress


A message from God to you. Stand Up for What You Believe in. But before you do, bear in mind it’s not about what you want, or what you have to say, nor is it about what you want to do. The only thing you really have going for you, is the “WHY.” The “Why” that’s connecting you to what you’re fighting for, that “Why” that’s at the core of what you believe in, is either going to make you or it’s going to be what breaks you. There’s a reason why most people fail whenever they attempt to stick up for something. It not because their cause isn’t justifiable, nor is it because they lack conviction. Moreover, it certainly isn’t because you’re a minority, or because you weren’t born with a silver spoon in your mouth, or because you’re a female, or you’re broke (had to throw those in). The truth is most people fail because they operate from a place of thoughtlessness. Anytime you allow emotion, ignorance, and naiveté to take over, you’re doomed from the jump. Knee jerk reactions and misplaced agendas are going to bite you in the butt every time. Likewise, confusing passion with purpose is equally destructive. Why you’re fighting for a cause is often more important than the cause itself. Having the determination to Stand Up For What You Believe In is only part of the equation. A beast can be stubborn enough not to move. Elevate your thoughts. Stop concerning yourself with winning, being right, proving something to someone, or proving some point. Instead, focus on the bigger picture. Victory is yours when you take things into the Divine realm. Pick a battle which allows God to get the glory instead of you.Think on what is just. Consign yourself to doing what is right in God’s sight. Consider this. What will it profit you to come out on top if the cost is you forfeiting your good name, your integrity, your character and maybe even your life. Choose your battles carefully. If, after examining the content of the circumstances and the context of the situation, you decide to play the role of “The Heavy,” don’t let the smooth taste fool you. Before you get strapped, and go all in, make damn sure you’re committed to finishing what you’ve started. Just because you got hyped about doing the right thing this time, remember this. Since the days of John the Baptist, up until right now, people who stand up for what’s right often end up fighting alone. Trust me, your two- faced compatriots are going to get ghost when your haters, a few unforeseen adversaries and the you-know-what hits the fan. Like the old Indian proverb states, “Everybody wants to go to Heaven But nobody wants to die.” There’s a reason why one percent of the world’s populations dominates the other ninety-nine. Most people lack the courage, the conviction and the fortitude required to endure pressure. Don’t allow anyone, nor any set of circumstances to kill your dream. If God be for you, nothing can will prevail against you. Whatever your dream is, fight for it. If your dream is following your ambitions – follow them till you succeed. If your dream is standing up for those who cannot stand up for themselves – stand till you can’t stand anymore. If your dream is simply standing up for yourself – Stand Up For What You Believe In – stand up for yourself till the gates of hell tremble. Boldly go where no man has gone before, you’re here for a reason, make a difference. From God, to you, through me, Dr. D Ivan Young. I love you. If you don’t believe in you, who will! #standupforwhatyoubelievein Thanks Deidre Renee for the article :)
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 04:23:21 +0000

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