A message from Luton Islamic Centre to the EDL A Message to EDL - TopicsExpress


A message from Luton Islamic Centre to the EDL A Message to EDL Supporters: “You’re being lied to!” On the 31 December-2 January 2015, Luton Islamic Centre are organising a conference entitled “Return of Khilafah and Jihaad, the correct understanding”. The purpose of this conference is to clarify to the Muslim community, the deviated beliefs of ISIS, Al-Qaida, and their followers. From the supporters of ISIS are the UK based group Al-Muhajaroon. Luton Islamic Centre has been in the forefront of warning against violent extremism and its advocates. We have produced and distributed across the UK, tens of thousands of anti-extremism leaflets, including 50,000 leaflets entitled: “Al Muhajaroon, the extremist cult exposed”. We have also funded the publication of several books written to refute the ideology of Al Qaida. (pdf link: calltoislam/pdf/Al-Muhaajiroon%20-%20The%20Extremist%20Cult%20Exposed.pdf) In light of this, the imagery on the recent youtube clip calling for a protest against our conference is completely deceptive and dishonest. The clip shows images of the key Al Muhajaroon leaders, deliberately giving the impression that they are behind this conference. This couldn’t be further from the truth; the whole purpose of this conference is to refute the ideas of ISIS and Al Muhajaroon. Those individuals who follow the EDL need to know: “Not only are the EDL are playing on your ignorance of Islam, they are blatantly lying to you about this conference. Don’t waste your time protesting against anti-extremism conference. Don’t let the EDL make fools of you”. Board of Trustees Luton Islamic Centre 29 December 2014 info@calltoislam
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 18:43:02 +0000

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