A must Read!! This is serious!!! Goodmorning saints! God - TopicsExpress


A must Read!! This is serious!!! Goodmorning saints! God forbid, I dont share what the Lord revealed to me early this morning about this country, I am not a politician, but Im a patriotic citizen of this country and I dont think I need to be a politician before I do my part to save this nation. Dont forget that Nigeria belongs to all of us, but some selfish/wicked persons in this nation controlled by the devil have vowed to destroy Nigeria. Are we going to sit down, fold our hands and watch them mock us? God is my witness on what Im about to share with us. I woke up after this revelation filled with tears, I was in a shock for few minutes cos I thought it was happening already. I was so scared. Some wicked men in this nation are planning for war in no long time. They want to set Nigeria on fire, it has started already ooo. If you are doubting it, just visit the North. In that revelation, people were being killed, slaughtered, maimed and burnt. Including the youth, children and the old ones. Listen, IT WAS WAR! I mean WAR WAR, WAR!!! I saw it and I know what I saw. Blood was flowing like a river, Im still remembering everything clear, even as Im writing this. It was a bloodbath! Peoples head were being cut off like animals and everyone was running helter-skelter. To where if I may ask? Hmmmmm!!! Violence and crisis. So many people didnt survive. It was even better the rapture took place, comparing to what I saw. You wont stand it I tell you. All this are pointing to the next years election; thats what the Holy Spirit told me. The devil is preparing his agents to frustrate us and this country. Please, are we going to just look and watch this happen? Are you sure we will still live like now if this happens? Even if you personally survive it, what of your children, husbands/wives, parents, friends and relatives? If we allow this happen, are we sure we will still enjoy the freedom of worship we have now? It was WARRRR! Dont say it doesnt concern you. It does as far as you a citizen of this country. Ignorance is deadly, knowledge is power. The saints should rise and take their stand. We have slept enough We are gradually sleeping and the devil has distracted us soooo much. The church and christians have slept enough! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!! WAKE UP!!! We are divided; then how are we gonna stand? We have forgotten our assignment as the bride of Christ; rather we drag positions, titles, doctrines, members and even fame. And we forgot that if anything happens now, most people that are opportuned to fly out will leave this country and flee with their loved ones. This is the absolute truth and I have done my part to deliver HIS message. What do we do? 1. We should come back to God in repentance and let Him forgive and hear us; just like the prodigal son. We have longgggg gone astray, distracted and soooooo selfish. If my people, that are called by my name shall humble themselves... 2. The saints should arise and intercede for this country, we should cry unto God and let his mercy prevail. Both as individuals and as a church. We need to rekindle and refire. We have slept enough. Christians wakeeeeee up oooo! Our light has gone off, lets as individuals, re-ignite our fire, take it to the church and then lite our community. 3. We should be united as His church and not MY church. Are we not the sheep of His flock? Why this division? My church my doctrine? Its His church and we are His bride. A house divided against itself can never stand. 4. Evangelism: this causes panic in the heart of so many people cos their fire has gone down. But thats the truth. Soul winning is Gods heartbeat. He that winneth soul is wise, that means you are a fool if you dont win souls. Choose the former, so that our father will be proud of us. Our focus has been misdirected. The god of mammon has stolen the heart of many. We are soooo entangled and distracted by the cares of this life, but dont forget that in a minute those things we have acquired for ourselves can be destroyed by fire and even the ones in the banks can be looted by the hoodlums. If you doubt it, visit the North and see that millions of properties have been destroyed. We should balance it; thats my message. Imagine what will happen, if Abubakar Shekaus heart will be arrested by God as Jesus arrested Saul on his way to Damascus and he became Paul and today hes one of the foundations of the gospel? The devil plans, strategizes and carries out his deadly assignment. He doesnt give up; even if it will take him all the years. He goes about like a roaring lion, seekinG for whom to devour. Then why should we sleep? 5. We should be aware of whats happening politically. Dont be bought. Use your vote wisely. 2015 is a great year of a lifetime decision. Decision that wont cause us to regret or hand nothing over to our children. Decision that will make us happily leave this earth when the time comes. Decision that will last for a lifetime even extended to our unborn generations. Nigeria belongs to all of us and not to some wicked persons. We shouldnt let that happen. Will you? Lets strategize and also strive to be in the political positions too if youre qualified to be there. Wickedness has reigned enough in this country. They subdue and suppress us into living as who we are not... When the righteous is on the throne, the people rejoice. Life is beautiful and better today, cos someone paid the sacrifice. Are we gonna fold our hands and watch this country go down the drain? What are we gonna hand over to our children? The pieces of what the war left for us? I didnt witness the Biafra war, but watching half of a yellow sun movie taught me that war is deadly. Dont even say Im not in the Northen part of Nigeria, and so wont be affected, the devil doesnt need you to be in the North before he strikes, cos hes strategizing and positioning his agents all over the country. From the North to d south, East and west. He has plotted them. Sorry, I wrote a long epistle, but this is what the spirit of God revealed to me hours ago and I have done my part by telling you. Let there be a spiritual awakening all over; it has started already, join the train. God is raising armies all over, but if this must surely work, we need to do it together in unity as a church, godly citizens and also the light of this nation. If you do your part and the church does theirs, then the result will be awesome, we will defeat the enemy. We dont need to be the majority before God works, He works with the minority. If God be with us, no man can be against us - Romans 8:31. Hes waiting for us to rise, then He will do His part. God loves Nigeria, the giant of Africa and we shouldnt rest, until His name be established in this country forever, we wont be like Turkey. Amen!!. May our children not be taken captive by the enemy. May we not be refugees in our own country. May the blood of this nation be not required from our hands. Im not writing this to inject fear into you, but to help you ignite the fire in you which has gone off long ago. Life is spiritual!!! I have so many things to write, but just summarizing it. The ball is in our court. I have said what He asked me to say and Im in for saving this country. He only used 3men, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego to save Babylon. He only used a little boy David to deliver Israel from the hands of Goliath and Philistines. He told Abraham that if He can only see 10 righteous men in Sodom and Gomorrha that He wont destroy it. He doesnt work with the majority, only the ready minds. Can He look down in Nigeria and say if I can just see 100 righteous men, I will save Nigeria? Are we not more than 100 proclaiming the name of the Lord in this country everyday? Its left for us. May we not learn in a hard way like Turkey. May we not wait till it happens. Lets together save this country, call on the name of the Lord together. Hes ever ready to hear us. I was less concerned of what happens in this country, saw it as a waste of time praying for Nigeria, but now I know better and I have started. Im in for it. Its either we use our KNEES or get ready to go to WAR. We dont have any other option. Even if you fly out, home is still home, your relatives, friends, community is stiLl here. You see we dont have an escape. Nigeria is our home and motherland! We will save her! My placenta is buried here, likewise yours! We will save our land! Yes, we will, even if youre in the diaspora, lets join our hands to save our nation. Im in for it! Dont know of you. This is a spiritual awakening! Saints arise! Wake up and let the name of the Lord be exalted in this country. God sees us a nation (Nigeria) and not just as individuals. Thats why we all experience what happens in this nation together both in politics, religion and the economy. God loves this country so much, but its time to stamp his name above all! Time to thwart the evil works of the enemy and exalt Gods name far above principalities and powers cos He frustrates the devices of the crafty, so that their hands might not perform enterprises again - Job 5:12-14. We have talked so much; now is the time to act! We have judged, condemned, criticised a lot and yet taken little or no action. Saints, NOW is the time to ACT! Im in for it and so you too! All of us have one common enemy and thats the devil! Now is the time to rise in unity and destroy all his evil works. Nigeria must be saved and we will rejoice again. We will enjoy His peace and not war. God loves Nigeria and He will save us. Nigeria will live again. The light of this nation will never go down. We have won this battle already cos God is with us and we are fighting from victory. Nigeria is Gods and He will save His. Read! Share and Act now! God bless Nigeria Joy Ayaya Chikaodili Okaka 4:05am 6th October 2014
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 01:45:19 +0000

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