A new school year with a new curriculum, a new and permanent Head - TopicsExpress


A new school year with a new curriculum, a new and permanent Head and a continued effort to get out of special measures! The new curriculum seems another of Goves rush jobs and I can feel his momentum even now as we are ready to return to school. Apparently the old curriculum wasnt significantly challenging enough but if the new one is meant to benefit all children then heres the hypocrisy again as academies and free school are exempt from following the curriculum. I expect teachers will cope. Its meant to be more rigorous and Gove just loved words like that. Its not being tough that helps children succeed its giving them opportunities to thrive. I am still surprised how many parents cross their fingers and hope for the best. Education is one of the basic rights our children should get and it should be equal. It is now full of inequality and social division. Parents need to defend the education system for the sake of their children and their children - sometimes I think I get too heated as its only a generation or two that will suffer from this virtual bunch of Eton Boys Club and their moronic natures. Then I realise I have every right to get heated and could happily throw some of those responsible into a big cesspool of something Ive yet to decide! I despair that the education of our children is being bombarded with political experiments. I despair Gove was ever put in charge and treated learning as a fixed one dimensional thing. I despair at the corruption and contradictions in all of it. I despair that teachers and those that understand the education system have no say in the running of it. Its simple - this government are not doing anything that is actually to improve learning for all. Its privatisation its greed its the haves and have nots. Its at the expense of our children. I hope the new Head agrees that education is not a factory process.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 17:21:34 +0000

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