A parent asks our group: Hi wmy son has been battling SPD since he - TopicsExpress


A parent asks our group: Hi wmy son has been battling SPD since he was diagnosed at 18 months....when I first went through this I had no idea some OT therapist were qualified for fine motor skills and other for sensory! When he was evaulated at my home at 18 months by an OT i was told he did not qualify for OT and the therapist left my home. Thank god I have a family member who own an Autistic school and she is a psychiatrist so she came to my home for an informal evaluation and I was told that he had severe SPD and OT is the most important therapy he needs for this disorder...we had him go to a sensory gym (which I highly recommend) and he started school at 18 months. He then went to nursery and Pre-k in a special education school where in his IEP all they discussed was the SPD and tools he needed, weighted vest etc and goals that needed to be met! He graduated from that school two years ago and started Kindergarten in a public school that was rated A in their Special ed department. The SPD was in his IEP and he received OT 5 times a week 3 in school and 2 in a sensory gym. I made sure his Ot in school specialized in sensory disorders and that he was getting exactly what he needed. This year was a whole disaster..my dad passed on Oct 4 which was pretty much the beginning of the school year....I was so distraught over my dads unexpected death that when I went to his first IEP meeting they wanted to push down his OT to 3 days and speech and PT to 2...I agreed and the year went on...it wasnt until his last meeting in April that I realized they made a mistake a switched OT to 2 days and Speech and Pt to 3! As the meeting was going on his OT said to me that my son was doing so well she wanted to knock OT down to 1! Thats when I realized this horrible mistake they made! As she was talking to me I asked her what exactly was she trained in and her answer was fine motor skills! P.S I found out his sensory OT from last year was sent to another school so they dropped SPD totally out of his IEP and stuck him with an OT who they had instead of hiring someone who was sensory based. I am going nuts, so frustrated that the whole school year went by and my son DID NOT RECEIVE THE PROPER THERAPY AND not only did he not receive the proper therapy but the school hid this from me and took anything sensory related issues out of his IEP! And added a crisis management para which he had a safety para for the past 3 years and also added Behavior into his IEP! He has been getting in trouble in school for things he can not help because he hadnt received the proper therapy! I am so livid....I feel like we worked so hard for 5 years and this is where I am at! I took him to be evaluated on my own by and OT specialist who explained to me that he tries so hard to succeed and be the best and she is concerned the school setting he was in and the fact his Ot was not correct that he might be taking on too much and perhaps he is becoming overwhelmed and having some anxiety issues! This whole thing kills me...I have a meeting next thursday...I need to find him a weigted vest that fits him and some sensory based items for my home and do this myself since the school dropped the ball on my son! Any recommendations about this whole thing? Sorry for the long post..he is six years old now..extremely hyper and not focused at all..
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 17:06:57 +0000

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